Reception Home Learning week commencing 13th July
Welcome back to our last week of online learning – a huge well done to those children who are doing all their learning at home and to those that are coming into school part time and working from home part time.
It’s amazing to think this is, and would have been, our last week in school. It is very sad that we did not finish the year all together but this cannot be helped. However, what can be helped is preparing your child for the transition to Year One. Some of the children in school are fully prepared and I am confident that they will start Year One no different to how they would have been had we all have been in school all year. I am sure that some of the children at home, who have been able to carry on home learning, will also be well prepared. However, to support all the children we have put together a further home learning pack – this is aimed at what we expect a child to be able to do by the end of Reception. These need to be collected from school ideally today (Monday).
Over the summer it will really help if you can ensure that your child can recognise and say the sounds that we have covered in phonics. They also need to be able to write these, forming them correctly, by memory. If you have not been doing any phonics work with your children you might want to get them to watch the phonics you tube links below and get them to practise writing their sounds on the sheets in their pack. The other really important thing you can do is to keep reading decodable books with them – we provided specific books on the blog up to the 1st June – all from the Oxford Owls website below. If you would like to know specifically what you should be doing with your child then please e-mail on
For our final week we are going to focus on getting the children to talk about Year One so that we can help with any worries and we are going to have some fun with a Super Heroes theme! We will be continuing with the same problem solving maths work again this week but we are going to buy some super hero accessories.
Here is what the children will be doing this week:
Day I
Day 2
Day 3
And resources for the maths:
And as usual, here are the links to the online learning resources that you may find useful. Feel free to do these school based activities twice or supplement them with the following:
Phonics –
These are a series of lessons using a different scheme to ours but the children will be able to follow. Click on Reception play all and then start from lesson one from the right hand side.
Roade Phonic Hub:
Reading –
You need to register, but it is free, and there are 100s of decodable books on this site.
General – The Oak Academy is a national online teaching website providing lessons and resources for all primary aged children. You can pick a maths and literacy lesson to complete each day. More lessons are added each week.
The BBC also has lessons online but they do not cover the Early Years curriculum as well as The Oak Academy
Also a good site that we use in school, especially for maths, is Topmarks
This will be the last blog for this year, so we would like to thank you for all your support over the year, for your patience during the school closure, a very happy summer holiday and lots of luck to the children when they start in Year One.