Well done Year 4!
Well done for another FANTASTIC week of home learning! I am so pleased to see so many names showing outstanding effort this week and of course, those children who are still logging in everyday- you are ALL doing yourself and us so proud.
Find your name below to download your certificate and keep up the hard work 🙂
Alex Bella Ben Cameron Chloe Damian Finlay Franek George Georgie Star Hanna Hargun Hollie louise Kiran Maisie Michael Owen Parina Rhianna Timur Zip
Thank you I cannot believe Rihanna is working really hard many thanks rihanna’s nan thank u
I can’t do the online work because I’m doing my booklet a lot
Kristers we know how hard you are working. You don’t need to just do the booklet, you can work online if you prefer, keep up the great work
Thank you.
Kind regards
Thank you so much
Great job Samuel
Georgie-star said yay thank you so much
Thankyou for my certificate I will keep working hard