Year 1 (Home Learning) – Thursday 4th February

Hello Year 1,

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with information and updates from school. Click on the image below to visit our profile …


Reminder: Tomorrow is fancy dress Friday! The children are welcome to wear an outfit of their choice to our morning Zoom!


Here is the CBBC’s Lockdown Learning schedule for this week:

  • The 20 minute Bitesize Daily age 5-7 sessions @ 9:00am will be an additional way of supporting the children’s learning at home.
  • We have highlighted all of the Celebrity Supply Teacher sessions, as a way to explore different aspects of the Curriculum.
  • On Friday @ 10:15am, Horrible Histories are airing an episode on the Shakespeare – this will be great for the children to watch having just explored A Midsummer Night’s Dream.


FAO: Parents & Carers

A reminder of the expectations of Home Learning:

  • There will be a daily Zoom registration @ 10:40am, during which a member of the Year 1 Team will greet the children and discuss the activities for the day ahead.
  • The expectation is for children to be on the daily Zoom registration and engaging with the set activities on our Year 1 Blog – Phonics, Literacy, Maths and a Curriculum subject.
  • Please email children’s work across to their class teacher at:


Here are your activities for the day:


Here is a clip of Mrs Tucker showing you how we teach Phonics at Lings:

There are two Phonics (1 & 2) plans below. Please email us to find out which plan is most suitable for your child.


Phonics Plan 1

For letter sound practise:


Phonics Plan 2

For letter sound practise:




  • I can describe some winter activities and act them out. 
  • I can make a word bank ready for my writing tomorrow. 

Listen to Miss Broughton read you the next part of our story, Winter’s Child …

Question: What adventures do you think the boys had?

When it snowed in Northampton, what did you do in the snow?

Here is the video of some of you enjoying the fluffy, white weather …

Drama – act out the winter activities that you enjoying doing in the snow.

Writing – make a word bank by drawing/labelling your ideas ready for your writing tomorrow. 




True or False? …

(Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answer)


White Rose: Comparing groups of objects

You may need …

  • bundles of 10 (e.g. straws) plus singles for the ‘ones’ in numbers 11-19  (or use 2 ten frames, one filled with 10 counters/objects and the other ready for the ‘ones’). 
  • Number line to 20
  • Number cards: 3, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19 and 20. 


Watch this video:

Answer the questions on this sheet: 



Religious Education

Who do you know who’s inspirational? 

Parables (a story with a hidden meaning) and miracles are stories in the Bible that help Christians to live their life. 

Christian’s believe Jesus to be a inspiration because he made miracles happen – we know this from some of the Christian parables that we have read during our RE Story Times this week.

What does it mean to be an inspiration / to inspire people?

[Discuss with an adult why the people above can be described as inspirational.]

Activity: Who has inspired you during Lockdown?

Draw a picture of a person that has inspired you and write a caption to explain why.



Story Time (Linked to Religious Education)

Adults – please remind your children that this is a story believed by Christians and that it is okay to have different beliefs.


Enjoy your activities,

Miss Simons, Mrs Roberts and Mrs Billingham : )


Maths Starter Answer:

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