Online Gaming – FAO: Parents and Carers
Hello Parents and Carers,
We hope that you had a great weekend and enjoyed – what seems to be the last of – the glorious weather! Our next Online Safety post is on ‘Online Gaming’. Aside from the fact that children are accessing the internet through a range of devices to assist their learning at home, lots of them will be spending an increased amount of time playing a variety of games on tablets and other devices. The below handout offers information and tips on how to safely monitor this increased amount of online activity.
Ask your child what their favourite game is to play is and see whether they know how to maneuver their way around this game safely.
Are they old enough to access this game? Is there an online chat? Do they know what to do if a stranger messages them? Are there any ads or pop-ups? Do they know not to click on these without adult consent? Can you ‘pause’ the game or do you have to keep playing to complete it?
Activity: Children can become experts at their favourite game and produce a poster that tells other children how to stay safe whilst playing it.