Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Good morning Year 6.

We look forward to seeing you all on Zoom at 9:05am.

Warm up activity (15 minutes)

Complete this mixed times tables grid.


Why not challenge yourself by seeing how many you can get correct in 15 minutes?


Reading (30 minutes)

Have another read of the text from yesterday:

The Hunting Ground

It was a dark, blustery afternoon in spring, and the city of London was chasing a small mining town across the dried-out bed of the North Sea.

In happier times, London would never have bothered with such feeble prey. The great Traction City had once spent its days hunting far bigger towns than this, ranging north as far as the edges of the Ice Waste and south to the shores of the Mediterranean. But lately prey of any kind had started to grow scarce, and some of the larger cities had begun to look hungrily at London. For ten years now it had been hiding from them, skulking in a damp, mountainous, western district which the Guild of Historians said had once been the island of Britain. For ten years it had eaten nothing but tiny farming towns and static settlements in those wet hills. Now, at last, the Lord Mayor had decided that the time was right to take his city back over the land-bridge into the Great Hunting Ground.

It was barely halfway across when the look-outs on the high watch-towers spied the mining town, gnawing at the salt-flats twenty miles ahead. To the people of London it seemed like a sign from the gods, and even the Lord Mayor (who didn’t believe in gods or signs) thought it was a good beginning to the journey east, and issued the order to give chase.

The mining town saw the danger and turned tail, but already the huge caterpillar tracks under London were starting to roll faster and faster. Soon the city was lumbering in hot pursuit, a moving mountain of metal which rose in seven tiers like the layers of a wedding cake, the lower levels wreathed in engine-smoke, the villas of the rich gleaming white on the higher decks, and above it all the cross on top of St Paul’s Cathedral glinting gold, two thousand feet above the ruined earth.


Now answer the following questions:

  1. What season is the story set in? How do you know?
  2. What is the weather like?
  3. ‘In happier times’ what does this suggest about what life is like now?
  4. How do you know London is a powerful city?
  5. Why has London been hiding?
  6. Is a lack of prey a recent problem? How do you know?
  7. What sort of town has London found?
  8. What impression do you get of the text? Why?


Writing (1 hour)

Start by having a look at the following vocabulary:

Auxiliary – equipped with an extra engine.

Toupee – a small artificial hairpiece worn to cover a bald spot.

Gyrating – move rapidly in a circle.

Indignation – anger or annoyance at unfair treatment.

Guild – a group of people.

Meekly – in a quiet and gentle mannar.

Now read through the next part of the text:


Tom was cleaning the exhibits in the London Museum’s Natural History section when it started. He felt the tell-tale tremor in the metal floor, and looked up to find the model whales and dolphins that hung from the gallery roof swinging on their cables with soft creaking sounds.

He wasn’t alarmed. He had lived in London for all of his fifteen years, and he was used to its movements. He knew that the city was changing course and putting on speed. A prickle of excitement ran through him, the ancient thrill of the hunt that all Londoners shared. There must be prey in sight! Dropping his brushes and dusters he pressed his hand to the wall, sensing the vibrations that came rippling up from the huge engine-rooms down in the Gut. Yes, there it was – the deep throb of the auxiliary motors cutting in, boom, boom, boom, like a big drum beating inside his bones.

The door at the far end of the galley slammed open and Chudleigh Pomeroy came storming in, his toupee askew and his round face red with indignation.

“What in the name of Quirke …?” he blustered, gawping at the gyrating whales, and the stuffed birds jigging and twitching in their cases as if they were shaking off their long captivity and getting ready to take wing again. “Apprentice Natsworthy! What’s going on here?”

“It’s a chase, sir,” said Tom, wondering how the Deputy Head of the Guild of Historians had managed to live aboard London for so long and still not recognise its heartbeat. “It must be a good thing,” he explained. “They’ve brought all the auxiliaries on line. That hasn’t happened for ages. Maybe London’s luck has turned!”

“Pah!” snorted Pomeroy, wincing as the glass in the display cases started to whine and shiver in sympathy with the beat of the engines. Above his head the biggest of the models – a thing called a blue whale that had become extinct thousands of years ago – was jerking back and forth on its hawsers like a plank-swing. “That’s as may be, Natsworthy,” he said. “I just wish the Guild of Engineers would fit some decent shock-absorbers in this building. Some of these specimens are very delicate. It won’t do. It won’t do at all.” He tugged a spotted handkerchief out of the folds of his long black robes and dabbed his face with it.

“Please, sir,” asked Tom, “could I run down to the observation platforms and watch the chase, just for half an hour? It’s been years since there was a really good one …”

Pomeroy looked shocked. “Certainly not, Apprentice! Look at all the dust that this wretched chase is shaking down! All the exhibits will have to be cleaned again and checked for damage.”

“Oh, but that’s not fair!” cried Tom. “I’ve just dusted this whole gallery!”

He knew at once that he had made a mistake. Old Chudleigh Pomeroy wasn’t bad as Guildsmen went, but he didn’t like being answered back by a mere Third Class Apprentice. He drew himself up to his full height (which was only slightly more than his full width) and frowned so sternly that his Guild-mark almost vanished between his bushy eyebrows. “Life isn’t fair, Natsworthy,” he boomed. “Any more cheek from you and you’ll be on Gut-duty as soon as this chase is over!”

Of all the horrible chores a Third Class Apprentice had to perform, Gut-duty was the one Tom hated the most. He quickly shut up, staring meekly down at the beautifully buffed toes of the Chief Curator’s boots.

“You were told to work in this department until seven o’clock, and you will work until seven o’clock,” Pomeroy went on. “Meanwhile, I shall consult the other curators about this dreadful, dreadful shaking …”


What impression do you get of Tom? Why?

What impression do you get of Chudleigh Pomeroy? Why?


The thing that stuck out to me in this text was the part where it talked about a blue whale becoming extinct.

The blue whale is currently on the endangered list but isn’t extinct.

Read the information at the link below to learn more about the blue whale:



What does this part of the text suggest about the story?



Write a explanation and description of what you think life might have been like for the people of London at this time.


Maths (1 hour)

Starter activity

Here are today’s five in five questions (although today there are 6!):

1) 7 x 9 =

2) 653 ÷ 100 =

3) 693 ÷ 18 =

4) 2/5 x 1/3 =


6) 87.32 + 13.78 =


Main activity

Today we are going to recap on how to multiply whole numbers and decimals. We will also look at long multiplication again.

Task 1: Multiplying whole numbers.

Start by watching the video where I will remind you how to do this using the column method.



Now you try:

1) 16 x 9 =

2) 48 x 8 =

3) 96 x 6 =

4) 124 x 5 =

5) 215 x 7 =

6) 304 x 9 =

7) 285 x 7 =

8) 1236 x 6 =

9) 2015 x 7 =

10) 3658 x 8 =


Task 2: Multiplying decimal numbers.

Begin by watching this video where I will recap the steps that you need to take.


Now you try:

1) 26.35 x 7 =

2) 63.54 x 6 =

3) 152.04 x 9 =

4) 205.13 x 8 =

5) 632.52 x 7 =

6) 852.25 x 4 =

7) 960.51 x 8 =

8) 1245.36 x 9 =

9) 2635.89 x 7 =

10) 6532.89 x 3 =


Task 3: Long multiplication

Remember that long multiplication is when we multiply a number by 2 digits or more e.g.

123 x 12

Watch this video to see a reminder of how to do this.



Now you try:

1) 253 x 15 =

2) 366 x 16 =

3) 412 x 21 =

4) 317 x 23 =

5) 386 x 24 =

6) 475 x 26 =

7) 652 x 31 =

8) 701 x 37 =

9) 769 x 41 =

10) 1263 x 24 =


Spelling (15 minutes)

Here are some sentences. The circled words are spelt incorrectly – can you correct them?


RE (1 hour)

This half term, we will be learning all about Sikhism.

What do you know about Sikhism?

Today’s question is:

Why is community important? How did the Sikh community begin?


What do you know about the word community?

What does the word community mean?

Community – a group of people who worked together for a common goal or interest. Lings Primary School is an example of a community because we all worked together.

What different communities can you think of?

Why do you think communities are important?

Which communities are you a part of?

Take one example – how does it make you feel being part of that community?


Look at today’s vocabulary:

Emblem – an image to represent a concept of identity.

Sikh – someone who follows the religion of Sikhism.

Khanda – an emblem of the Sikh community.

Guru – a wise teacher.

Nishan Sahib – the Sikh flag (Nishan means flag and sahib is a term of respect).


Read the following text which explains how Sikhism began:

How Sikhism began

Even as a child there was something different about Nanak. Strange, mysterious things seemed to happen all around him. One day he fell asleep in the shadows under a tree. This could be quite dangerous in a hot country like India. If he didn’t wake up, the sun would burn him as it moved round but a strange thing happened. As the sun moved round, all the shadows under the trees also moved round, except the shadow protecting Nanak which stayed exactly where it was.

Strange things like that kept on happening, even when Nanak became a man. Nanak used to get up before dawn and go to the river to bathe and say his prayers but one morning he disappeared. All that remained were his clothes lying on the bank. All the people in the village looked everywhere for him and when they couldn’t find him they thought that he had drowned. However, three days later, Nanak suddenly reappeared! Everyone wanted to know where he had been. He said that he had been with God and that he had been told to go and teach the people about how they too could get closer to God.

Nanak’s vision changed his life and from then on, he travelled the world teaching God’s message. The followers who gathered to listen to him became known as Sikhs, a word meaning learner, and he became known as Guru Nanak meaning God’s teacher.


Watch the video and read the information at the link below to learn more:



Have a look below at Guru Nanak’s teaching:

  • There is only one God. (There is an important symbol that teaches Sikhs about God. It reminds Sikhs that they believe in only one God and it is called Ik Onka. Guru Nanak taught that God is ‘neither a man nor a woman’. Sikhs usually use the name Waheguru for God.)
  • Different religions are different paths to the same one God.
  • Work hard and earn an honest living.
  • Lead a good life and help others.
  • We are all equal. Men and women have the same rights/responsibilities.
  • Be kind to people and animals.
  • Always speak the truth.

Sikhs believe that religions are different pathways that lead to the same God and so anyone who wants to worship can join in. Guru Nanak was born a Hindu and his desire to bring together Hindus and Muslims led to his seeking a new religion.


Are there any similarities between the teachings of Guru Nanak and other religions that we have looked at?


Now let’s look at the Khanda – an important emblem of the Sikh community.

Watch this clip to learn more about the Khanda.



Let’s go through each part of the Khanda.


At the centre is a double edged sword

This symbolises that Sikhs believe in one God.


Across the sword is a circle called the Chakkar.

This is like the Kara which is a steel band that Sikhs wear.

The Chakkar reminds Sikhs:

  • that God has no beginning or end
  • to stay within the rules.


Finally, there are two crossed Kirpans (swords)

This represents strength, spirituality and power.



Write an explanation about what you have learnt today.

Make sure you include the following in your explanation:

  • How did the religion of Sikhism begin?
  • What is the Khanda and why is it important?


PHSE (45 minutes)

This half term, we will be looking at celebrating our differences.

What is similar about all of us?

What is different about all of us?

Today’s question is:

Am I normal?

Finish this sentence with your definition of normal:

Being normal is ……

Have a look at the statements below and for each one decide if they are normal or not normal. Make sure you explain why you have chosen normal or not normal.

  1. To be frightened of the dark.
  2. To wear glasses.
  3. To be worried about going to secondary school.
  4. To love chocolate.
  5. To want to have friends.
  6. For girls to play football.
  7. To walk to school.
  8. To have a computer or games console in your bedroom.
  9. To eat dinner with your family around the table.
  10. To have two legs.


The definition of normal is:

usual, typical or standard.


To me, what is normal to one person might not be normal to another and therefore everyone is normal.

For example:

It is perfectly normal and typical of me to go home and feed my pet turtles; for others, turtle would seem like an strange pet to have and wouldn’t be considered normal.

I wear glasses so it is normal and usual to see me in them; some people don’t wear glasses so it wouldn’t be normal to see them in glasses.


Have a look at your definition of normal – are there any changes you would like to make?

Over the next week’s we are going to look at different people that have a different normal to others.

This week, we will be learning about Theo’s normal.

Watch Theo’s story at the link below:



Now answer the following questions:

  1. What do you think about Theo? Why?
  2. What strengths does Theo have?
  3. How would Theo like to be treated?
  4. How does Theo feel about his disability?
  5. How is Theo similar to you?
  6. If you could ask Theo 3 questions, what would they be?


TT Rockstars

Make sure you log in and take part in this week’s competition.


Story time


Well done Year 6 for all your hard work. We hope you have a lovely evening and we look forward to eeing you in the morning.


Miss Kinsella and Mrs. Maruzza



64 thoughts on “Tuesday 23rd February 2021

  • 23rd February 2021 at 9:33 am

    1. Its spring I know this because it says at the start .
    2. Dark , blustery
    3.moody and sad
    5. I think it was waiting to get bigger.
    7. A small town
    8. I think that this Author likes to use a lot of personification

    • 23rd February 2021 at 9:53 am

      Well done Sadia! Can you find anything that makes London seem powerful?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 9:39 am

    I feel like people think of tom like a poor person so they don’t treat him like they treat other people.

    • 23rd February 2021 at 9:57 am

      Why do you think that Sadia?

      • 23rd February 2021 at 2:39 pm

        1. To be frightened of the dark
        That is normal as it is an emotion
        and you can be skared of lots
        of things and that is normal.
        2. To where glasses
        Yes that’s normal as you
        can were them if you need them
        and you don’t if you don’t need them.
        3. To be worried about going secondary school
        Yes that is normal as it is an emotion and you
        have to mack new friends if yours don’t
        go there and classes are harder
        so it is very normal.
        4. To love chocolate
        Yes it is normal as
        you can like what you
        want and it is
        normal to like things.
        5. To want to have friends
        Yes that is normal to
        want friends as everyone
        needs a friend.
        6. For girls to play football
        Yes that is normal as
        girls and boys can like
        what they want.
        7. To walk to school
        Yes that is normal as
        lots of people like to
        work home and to
        school in the morning
        when there older
        8. To have a computer or game console in you bedroom
        Yes that is normal as if you
        have a computer in your room you
        can yous it and the same
        with a game console
        9. To eat dinner with your family around the table
        Yes that is normal set it is now to spend time
        with your family and eat at the dinner table
        10. To have to legs
        Yes that is normal to have to legs as most people do

        • 23rd February 2021 at 3:11 pm

          Great answers Gracie – does this prove that everyone is normal?

    • 23rd February 2021 at 10:09 am

      Great! Why do you think this?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 9:41 am

    I feel that Chudleigh Pomeroy is a very stuck up person because of the way he treated Tom

    • 23rd February 2021 at 9:58 am

      How does he treat Tom?

      • 23rd February 2021 at 10:10 am

        It is spring i know that because it said before

        Blustery and dark

        sad and drained

        i dont know 4

        They do not want anyone to know that they are in poverty

        I dont know what 6 means

        A small town

        boring because it hasnt really engaged me into the story

    • 23rd February 2021 at 10:09 am

      Great Sadia! What do you think of how he treated Tom? Why?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 9:53 am

    1) 16 x 9 =144

    2) 48 x 8 =384

    3) 96 x 6 =576

    4) 124 x 5 =620

    5) 215 x 7 =1735

    6) 304×9= 27,036

    Task 2
    1) 26.35 x 7 =184.45

    2) 63.54 x 6 =380.34

    3) 152.04 x 9 =1368.36

    4) 205.13 x 8 =1641.04

    5) 632.52 x 7 =4427.64

    • 23rd February 2021 at 1:16 pm

      Well done Sadia!
      Can you check 5 and 6 in the first section. Then check question 2 in the second section.
      Have you done the long multiplication and the rest of the questions?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 9:54 am

    It’s cool because its dark but not cold because its Sprin g
    They basically describe then like a dream but now the nightmare it’s cold and dark and dim
    Because of the population and how big and bright it is
    Because its moving so they don’t want anyone to find it
    Yes because the water is taking over and since people pray God might stop it.
    A small town that is very close to the coast which is going to flood there homes
    To me it’s quite a dark story because of the language like floods and bad weather.

    • 23rd February 2021 at 10:17 am

      Well done Evie! How else do you know lack of prey is a recent problem?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 10:02 am

    How The Sikh religion began.

    One day a man named Nanak was sitting under a tree and this tree had shade and then the shade from the trees were going exept from his one . then later he was bathing in a river and he went missing then after 3 days he a came back and he said ”I was with god”

    • 23rd February 2021 at 10:46 am

      What did Nanak teach people?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 10:11 am

    It is spring i know that because it said before

    Blustery and dark

    sad and drained

    i dont know number 4

    They do not want anyone to know that they are in poverty

    I dont know what 6 means

    A small town

    boring because it hasnt really engaged me into the story

    • 23rd February 2021 at 10:20 am

      Well done Aamirat! How is London described in the text?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 10:12 am

    I think 5om is a very determined and pationate boy because he stands up to people when they are wrong. I think he is strong and very powerful because first of all his name and how he act.

    • 23rd February 2021 at 10:19 am

      Well done Evie! What ‘class’ does it say Tom is from? And what does that class mean?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 10:13 am

    we are all human
    we have different opinions
    1.normal when your a kid its normal
    2.normal when you have bad eye site or need help with reading or writing
    3.normal you don’t know who you might meet there .
    4.um you cant really love chocolate you just really like its like saying you love a object that’s really tasty to eat but ye that’s normal chocolate is super duper tasty and probably allot of peoples #1
    5. who don’t I mean if you don’t want friends then that’s your opinion I on the other hand would rather have one friend then 0 friends.
    6. ok ok ok every one on this planet cant say that girls cant play football I’m pretty sure there are to sisters playing football in the garden rn but I say they (!!!!!!!!!should!!!!!!!!) play football other wise its just not fair.
    7.um maybe when your in year 6 or secondary school because the world is a dangerous place.
    8.i say yes because its fun to have fun with your friends and family.
    9. um i think we do this every day I think because when i come back from school i have dinner with my family around the table.
    10. this is normal but some people are born with out them and some people lose them in crashes and I know there are also like these prostetic legs and arms which are made from metal and other
    materials so i say its normal to have legs.

    • 23rd February 2021 at 10:47 am

      Some fantastic ideas Dan!

  • 23rd February 2021 at 10:15 am

    I think tom is a very determined and pationate boy because he stands up to people when they are wrong. I think he is strong and very powerful because first of all his name and how he act.

    • 23rd February 2021 at 10:43 am

      Ive listened to the book explorer cant wait till the next one .

      • 23rd February 2021 at 11:02 am

        I’m glad you are enjoying it Mason!

  • 23rd February 2021 at 10:17 am

    Life would have been hard because it sounded like it was poor then and london was down falling so they were after little towns

    • 23rd February 2021 at 10:52 am

      A nice idea Aamirat. Can you add more information?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 10:22 am

    1. What season is the story set in.
    It is set in spring because it tells us this in the first sentence
    2. what is the weather like.
    It is a dark blustery afternoon
    3. ‘in happier times’what does this suggest about how life is now.
    It suggests that life is not as good and happier as before
    4. How do you now London is a powerful city
    Because it was the great Traction city
    5. Why has London been hiding
    So the over city’s can’t come get them
    6. Is a lake of pray a resonate problem. How do you now
    7. What sort of town has London fond.
    They fond gnawings
    8. What impression do you get from the story.
    I get that it’s about lots of fighting

    • 23rd February 2021 at 10:58 am

      Some great answers Gracie. Can you try question 7 again please?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 10:22 am

    i dont know 3

    • 23rd February 2021 at 1:14 pm

      Great Aamirat! We are doing division tomorrow so you will understand question 3.

  • 23rd February 2021 at 10:36 am

    It’s cold and blustery
    Happier times,london would never have bothered with such feebal prey.Because it is a huge place.Because it was prey to larger cities.
    And dont understand the other questions

    • 23rd February 2021 at 10:58 am

      Some great answers Mason. Can you find what sort of town London was chasing?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 10:39 am


    • 23rd February 2021 at 1:08 pm

      Great Mason! Just check question 3 – 693÷18 = and Question 5 is 4x4x4=?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 10:42 am


    • 23rd February 2021 at 10:59 am

      You have most of these correct but can you look over them again please.

  • 23rd February 2021 at 10:42 am

    At this time life was probably skary if you were going out to fight as you would be thinking are you gonna mack it or are they and you would see lots of different discussing things and it would also be skary for you family because they would be thinking are they gonna die or kill the over team.

    That is what I think ok 🙂

    • 23rd February 2021 at 10:59 am

      Some good ideas Gracie – can you check your spellings though please?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 10:56 am

    1. spring because it says
    2. blustery
    3. were happy
    4. they won a war
    5. they were hiding from the sculling
    6. ?
    7. village to town too city too capital city
    8. the text knows lots of things about London the Auther brobaly study alot

    • 23rd February 2021 at 11:03 am

      Some great answers Alex. Do you think you will enjoy the book?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 11:11 am


  • 23rd February 2021 at 11:12 am


    • 23rd February 2021 at 1:06 pm

      Fantastic Dan! Just check question 5.

  • 23rd February 2021 at 11:14 am

    144 304

    • 23rd February 2021 at 1:05 pm

      Fantastic Evie! Just check 10.

  • 23rd February 2021 at 11:52 am

    I think living in London will be busy lots of traffic and dangerous because theres lots of people and the city is big and its easy too be lost but its a rich city and u can have fun at the musiem

    • 23rd February 2021 at 12:02 pm

      Great Alex! What makes you think this?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 12:21 pm

    1)spring because it sit says its a dark blustery spring afternoon 2)it was a dark blustery afternoon 3)miserable 4) lots of people and loads of good places 5)? 6)its growing that londons running out of supplies 7)they found a mining town 8)its good to know the history of london.

    • 23rd February 2021 at 1:02 pm

      Well done Declan. Do you think you will enjoy the text?

    • 23rd February 2021 at 1:05 pm

      Great Declan!

  • 23rd February 2021 at 12:25 pm


    • 23rd February 2021 at 1:04 pm

      Fantastic Aamirat!

  • 23rd February 2021 at 12:30 pm

    today i have learnt that guru was the founder of sikhism and i have also learnt the flag and the different signs my favourite is the sign that represents strength

    • 23rd February 2021 at 1:01 pm

      Did you find any differences between Sikhism and other religions?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 12:36 pm

    1)144 2)384 3)576 4)640 5)1505 6)2736 7)1995 8)7416 9)14105 10)29264 1)184.45 2)381.24 3)1368.36 4)1641.04 5)4427.64 6)3409 7)7684.08 8)11208.24 9)18451.23 10)19598.67

    • 23rd February 2021 at 1:04 pm

      Fantastic Declan!

  • 23rd February 2021 at 1:43 pm

    i have learned that Guru Nanak thinks there is only one god and he disapeared 3 days and came back.
    they wave a flag that represents Khanda .

    • 23rd February 2021 at 1:50 pm

      Great Dan! What else can you tell me about Sikhism?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 2:16 pm

    Being normal is to have emotions and to be your self

    • 23rd February 2021 at 2:22 pm

      Fantastic Gracie! Have you watched the video about Theo and answered the questions?

  • 23rd February 2021 at 3:40 pm

    1. 122
    2. 336
    3. 552
    4. 5120
    5. 1505
    6. 2781
    7. 1995
    8. 8392
    9. 14105
    10. 28216
    1. 184.45
    2. 141.24
    3. 1368. 30
    4. 1641.04
    5. 4427.64
    6. 3409.00
    7. 7684.08
    8. 11108.24
    9. 18250.23
    10. 19598.67
    1. 3815
    2. 5582
    3. 8652
    4. 1291
    5. 8878

    • 23rd February 2021 at 3:44 pm

      Great work Alex but you have made some multiplication errors on some of these. Can you check through them and spot the errors?


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