Maths – Friday 5th February

Below are two timetables.

Answer the questions for each one using the skills you learned yesterday.


  1. It is 18:45. How long is it until “Guess the Noise” is on?

2. Ron wants to watch the following TV programmes:

  • Cheese Please, What’s the Q, aMAZEment, Budget Baker, Safari, Dance and Decide.

Will Ron be able to watch all the shows he has chosen?

3. What would you watch from 5 o’clock until the end of the evening? Plan a whole evening’s viewing.


  1. Are all 6 lessons the same length? Explain.
  2. Over the week, how long does Rosie spend on each subject?
  3. True or false – Rosie has 2 hours and 20 minutes of PE in a week.
  4. True or false – Rosie has 130 minutes of literacy in a week.
  5. True or false – Rosie does Art for the same length of time as Maths each week.
  6. True or false – Rosie does Art for the same length of time as English each week.
  7. How much time is spent for break and lunch all together over the week?
  8. How long does Rosie spend in Assembly over the week?
  9. How long is the school day for Rosie?
  10. How much time does Rosie spend at school during the week?

Extra Challenge – Create your ideal school timetable for 5 days. You must have lessons from at least 9am until 3pm.

25 thoughts on “Maths – Friday 5th February

  • 5th February 2021 at 10:14 am

    1. 1hrs 15mins
    2. NO
    3. all the quiz time I guess
    timetable 2
    1. NO
    2. about 50minutes
    3. false
    4. false
    5. true
    6. true
    7. 650minutes
    8. 75minutes
    9. 6hrs 10mins
    10. 30hrs 75mins

    • 5th February 2021 at 1:44 pm

      Timetable 1
      Q1 – yes
      Q2 – yes but explain why!
      Q3 – can you work out a whole evening’s viewing?

      Timetable 2
      Q1 – Correct but explain why.
      Q2 – Look at each subject over the whole week.
      Q3 – Check
      Q4 and 5 – Yes
      Q6 – check
      Q7 – Check – look at how many hours and minutes there are (don’t forget that there are 60 minutes in an hour, not 100).
      Q8 – Yes
      Q9 – close but check
      Q10 – close but check

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 10:19 am

    Math – Table 1

    1. I hour and 15 minutes
    2. He can watch then as there all on at different times. the talk, quizdom, what the q, amazement, buzz out, guess the noise, dance and decide.

    • 5th February 2021 at 1:40 pm

      1 – yes!
      2 – check – can he watch every single minute?
      3 – great!

  • 5th February 2021 at 10:35 am

    Math table 2

    1. No the lessons are not the same lengh as p.e is the whole afternoon.
    2. Literacy – 2 hours
    English – 2 hours
    Art – 2 hours
    Dt – 2 hours
    Maths – 2hours
    P. E – 2hours
    Science – 2 hours
    I. C. T – 1 hours 20minutes
    Pshe – 1 hours 20minutes
    Drama – 40minutes
    French – 40 minutes
    R. E. – 40 minutes
    Geography – 40 minutes
    History – 40 minutes
    3. False
    7. 6 hours and 40minutes
    8. 1 hour and 15 minutes
    9. 6 hours 25 minutes
    10. 32hours and 5 minutes

    • 5th February 2021 at 1:39 pm

      Hello Mia

      Q1 – check the 6 different periods. Are they all 50 minutes long?
      Q2 – Check. Don’t forget that 60 minutes is the same as 1 hour so 120 minutes equals 2 hours.
      Q3 and 6 – check
      Q7 – 10: Brilliant!

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 10:41 am

    1.=1hour and 15 minutes he can only watch
    cheese please for 1hour
    whats the q for 30 minutes
    aMAZEment for 30 minutes nothing

    • 5th February 2021 at 1:36 pm

      Hello Michael

      Great for Q1 and 2.

      Come on, have a go at 3! You have o watch!

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 10:44 am

    Timetable 1
    1. 18.45-20.00 it’s 1h15min
    2. Cheese please 5pm, what’s Q 6pm, aMAZement 6.30pm, Budget Baker 7pm, Safari 8pm and Dance and decide 9pm, so Ron gets to watch all of them.
    3. I would watch Talk the Talk at 5pm, then Pampered Pets at 6pm, next Deep Blue at 6.45pm.

    Timetable 2
    1.All classes except the first one are the same length which is 50 mins, but the 1st class is 40mins.
    2. Literacy 120mins, English 140mins, PE 140mins, Art 150mins, D.T. 150mins, Maths 150min, Drama 50min, Geography 50mins, I.C.T. 100mins, French 50mins, R.E. 50min, P.S.H.E 100mins, History 50mins
    3. False it’s 140mins
    4. False it’s 120mins
    5. Yes True
    6. False
    7. 5x 20=100=1h 40min, 5×60= 300 = 5h. Total time for breaks in a week is 6h40mins
    8. 5x 15 = 1h15mins
    9. 6h 25min
    10. 6h25min x 5 = 32h5mins

    • 5th February 2021 at 1:35 pm

      Hello Alex

      Timetable 1
      Q1 – yes
      Q2 – check – can he watch every single minute?
      Q3 – can you do the whole evening?

      Timetable 2
      Q1 – Yes
      Q2 – Yes
      Check Q3
      Q4-6 : Yes
      Q7 – 10 Spot on!

      Great understanding Alex.

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 10:46 am

    1. 15 minutes.
    2. No because some are on at the same time.
    3. Quizdom on 5:30pm, Budget Baker 7pm, Lots of lollies 8pm, Biscuit bites 9:30pm.

    1. No because P.E. and D.T. longer than the others.
    2. 40, 70, 50, 70, 10, 50 minutes on each subject.
    3. False
    4. False
    5. False
    6. False
    7. 80 minutes altogether
    8. She spent 75 minutes in assembly altogether
    9. She spends 335 minutes in school
    10. She spent 1375 minutes in the week

    • 5th February 2021 at 1:32 pm

      Hello Max

      Timetable 1
      Q1 – Check carefully. Look for the start time of the programme.
      Q2 – correct. Which programmes?
      Q3 – Anything at 5?

      Timetable 2
      Q1 – look at the 6 periods. Are they all 50 minutes?
      Q2 – look over the whole week. How much time is spent doing each subject?
      Q3-6: 2 are false and 2 are true. Check.
      Q7 – check
      Q8 – yes!
      Q9 and 10: Good attempt but check. Can you write he answer in hours and minutes?

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 11:27 am

    Timetable 1
    1. 1h 15m
    2. No
    3. news,weather,deep blue,pampered pets,safari,animal antics and worldly wonders
    Timetable 2
    1. Yes
    2. 50m
    3. No
    4. Yes
    5. True
    6. True
    7. 1h 20m
    8. 15m
    9. 4h 30m
    10. 22h 30m

    • 5th February 2021 at 1:27 pm

      Hello George

      Timetable 1 – all great. You could explain why he can’t watch them all in Q2.

      Timetable 2 – Check Q1. Look carefully at the length of lesson 1.
      Q2 – look at each subject. For most, they do more than 1 lesson of that subject each week.
      Q3-6: Check – 2 are false and 2 are true.
      Q7 – Do this for the whole week not just 1 day.
      Q8 – Again, look a the whole week. 15 mins is right for 1 day.
      Q9 and 10 – Check – Go from the start of the day to the end – include all breaks.

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 12:02 pm

     1. It is 18:45. How long is it until “Guess the Noise” is on? 1 hour and 15 minutes

    2. Ron wants to watch the following TV programmes:

    Cheese Please, What’s the Q, aMAZEment, Budget Baker, Safari, Dance and Decide.

    Will Ron be able to watch all the shows he has chosen? Yes they are all on at different times so he can watch them all

    3. What would you watch from 5 o’clock until the end of the evening? Plan a whole evening’s viewing.
    Puppy playtime, quizdom, pampered pets, safari, guess the noise, biscuit bites

    Are all 6 lessons the same length? Explain. No because PE and DT are longer
    Over the week, how long does Rosie spend on each subject? 50 minutes
    True or false – Rosie has 2 hours and 20 minutes of PE in a week. False its 2 hours exactly
    True or false – Rosie has 130 minutes of literacy in a week. False its 120 minutes
    True or false – Rosie does Art for the same length of time as Maths each week. False she does art longer
    True or false – Rosie does Art for the same length of time as English each week. False art is longer
    How much time is spent for break and lunch all together over the week? 6 hours and 20 minutes
    How long does Rosie spend in Assembly over the week? 1 hour and 15 minutes or 75 minutes
    How long is the school day for Rosie? 6 hours and 25 minutes
    How much time does Rosie spend at school during the week? 32 hours and 45 minutes

    • 5th February 2021 at 1:15 pm

      Hello Cody

      Timetable 1:
      Q1 – Yes!
      Q2 – Check this. There may be clashes. Can they watch the whole programme?
      Q3 – great.
      Timetable 2
      Q1 – Lesson 1 is 40 minutes and the other 5 are 50 minutes.
      Q2 – Look at how long she does each subject over the whole week (a lesson might be 50 minutes long but if they do it twice in a week then that is 100 minutes or 1 hour 40 minutes).
      Q3-6: 2 of these are true! Check!
      Q7 – close!
      Q8 – yes!
      Q9 – Yes!
      Q10 – Check – you are close.

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 12:16 pm

    1) 1) An hour and 15 minutes 2) Yes 3) I don’t mind what I watch
    2) 1) No because lesson 1 lasts 40 minutes and lesson 3 lasts 50 minutes 2) I don’t get it. 3) True 4) False. She has 120 minutes (2 hours) of Literacy a week. 5) True 6) False 7) 6 hours and 40 minutes 8) 1 hour and 15 minutes 9) 6 hours and 25 minutes 10) 32 hours and 5 minutes.

    • 5th February 2021 at 1:09 pm

      Hello Franek

      Q1 is correct but in Q2 he cannot watch all these programmes – investigate why.
      Q3 – choose you ideal set of programmes for the whole evening.

      For the second timetable:
      1. Yes.
      2. It asks how long she spends on each subject over the week (for example: how long does she do Maths for in the week?)
      3 – 6 – Yes!
      9 and 10 – yes!

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 12:49 pm

    It would take 2 hours and 15 minutes
    Ron can’t watch all of the shows he wants to watch because Safari and Budget baker are the same time
    I would watch Safari guess the Noise and dance and decide

    They are all different
    She spends 10 minutes on each subject
    It takes 1 hour and 20 minutes
    15 minutes
    4 hours and 30 minutes
    9 hours and 150 minutes

    • 5th February 2021 at 1:04 pm

      Hello Jayden

      Check number 1.
      Number 2 – yes, and there are another 2 programmes that clash.
      3 – can you plan a whole evening’s viewing?

      2nd timetable
      1 – how are they different?
      2 – she spends a lot longer than 10 minutes on each subject. Read the times carefully.
      There should be 4 true and false answers. Try numbering them to make it clear which is which.
      The breaks, lunches and assemblies should be worked out for the whole week together not just 1 day.
      Look at when school starts and finishes – what is the difference between these times?

      Ask if you have any questions.

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 1:49 pm

    1. 1 hour and 15 minutes
    2. No, because Safari and Budget Baker are at the same time.
    3. I would do Quizdom, What’s the Q and Safari.

    • 5th February 2021 at 1:52 pm


      For Q2 there is another clash too.

      For Q3, can you plan a whole evening’s viewing?

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 3:10 pm

    1. 1 hour 15 minutes
    2.Ron can watch all of them because there at different times
    3.puppy playtime 5pm
    Quizdom 5:30pm
    Whats the Q? 6pm
    5 mimutes menu 6:45
    Buzzed out 7:30
    guess the noise 8pm
    Biscutits Bites 9:15

  • 5th February 2021 at 3:13 pm


    a) 1 hr 15 minutes
    b) yes they are all at different times.
    c) watch all of naturewatch.

    a) they are all different lengths.
    b) 2 hrs 40 minutes ( English ) 3 hrs 30 minutes ( maths )
    c) false
    d) false
    e) true
    f) false
    g) 8 hrs 20 minutes
    h) 1 hr 40 minutes
    i) 6 hrs 10 minutes
    j) 30 hrs 50 minutes

  • 6th February 2021 at 4:15 pm

    Timetable 1
    1: 1 hour and 15 minutes
    2: no unless he can record tv programs. aMAZEment is on from half 6 till half 7 but bugget Baker starts at 7
    3:puppy playtime,pampered pets,safari, and animal antics

    Timetable 2

    1:no some lessons are longer than others
    2:literacy=2 hours
    English=2 hours and 20 minutes
    P.E=2 hours and 20 minutes
    Art=2 hours and 30 minutes
    D.T=2 hours and 30 minutes
    Maths=2 hours and 30 minutes
    French=50 minutes
    R.E=50 minutes
    I.C.T=1 hour and 40 minutes
    Science=2 hours and 30 minutes
    Drama=50 minutes
    P.S.H.E=1 hour and 30 minutes
    History=50 minutes
    Geography =minutes


    7: 6 hours and 40 minutes
    8:1 hours and 15 minutes
    9:6 hours and 25 minutes
    10:32 hours and 5minutes


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