Monday 27th April – Year 5
Hi Pankhurst Class,
We hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine.
Here are today’s tasks:
Revise using modal verbs
If you can’t remember what they are, the following link may help:
Write at least 3 sentence containing modal verbs – use different ones for each sentence.
Last week you looked at nets and today I want you to focus on nets of a cube. I did ask the question last week if there was more than 1 possible net of a cube but no-one had replied by Wednesday. Is there?
Look at the following nets of a cube and work out which ones actually are nets and which aren’t. This task is all about visualisation – it’s like creating a picture in your mind. Can you ‘picture’ folding the net up and creating a 3-D cube?
If you can print, it might be worth printing them off but don’t worry if you can’t print as you don’t necessarily need to. If you are struggling with visualisation, you could create the nets on paper and see if they do fold up into a cube or not.
Discuss this scenario with your family:
Now try this:
Find out about the Artist William Morris.
Can you use some household items (or your computer) to create a repeating pattern. It could be in paint or printed using potatoes, sponges etc. It could also be drawn or chalked – whatever medium you like. Send us a photograph to the Year 5 e mail address or put into your home learning pack.
Have fun and we look forward to hearing from you. Missing you all.
Mrs Millard, Mrs Leeming and Mrs Munro XX
good morning Mrs Milliard,
This is my English,
A modal verb is lots of groups of words for example must , should , could , they all go into different groups would , could , should and might , can , will and must , shall, may.
These are my three example,
I could go to your house but its my nans birthday
I must go for my walk.
I shall make a poster for school
Hi Jessica,
It’s good to hear from you and I hope you had a lovely weekend.
Well done on your modal verbs – remember full stops at the end of your sentences. What’s wrong with your ‘its’ in your first sentence?
Mrs Millard XX
“We can have cake after dinner.” said Mum
“We could break in from the back.” said the thief
David can speak three languages .
1,4,6,9,11,13,14,15,17,20 make a cube
You should probably go to your parent to check it out for u then u can receive 100£, or just ignore it because if you have to put some personal data they could take money of instead of give it to you.
No because Pegi 18 games are not for kids his age.
I am being mind full and getting creative.
Hi Dan,
It’s good to hear from you and I hope you had a lovely weekend.
Thank you for your sentences – what is a modal verb then? Well done for using inverted commas , but don’t forget your full stops. Does a full stop go before you mention who is speaking (like in your first and second sentences) or should it be another type of punctuation?
On your solution to the nets, did you number them across in rows or down in columns? Let me know and I’ll respond with the solution.
Good points on the ICT work – well done.
Mrs Millard XX
I am sorry for writing “you” like this “u” its just a faster way to write
What would we say to you if you wrote that in your books at school?
Good Morning Mrs Millard,
Here is my English,
Modal verbs are used when we believe something is certain,possible and impossible.
These are my examples;
We must feed the dog because it will go hungry.
I think I should go for a walk because i’m bored.
Do you think i would see my friends?
May i take the dog for a walk because he needs exercise.
Will you come with me?
Hi Lydia,
It’s good to hear from you and I hope you had a lovely weekend.
Good work on modal verbs – you remembered them well. What do you think I might say about your words ‘i’ and ‘i’m’?
Mrs Millard XX
We should be going on a bike ride.
We can eat soon.
We will get some shopping.
Hi Simar,
It’s good to hear from you and I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend.
Thank you for your sentences. What’s a modal verb then? Can your sentences be up-levelled in any way?
Mrs Millard XX
Modal verbs are a certain word type.A modal verb could specify if you do something or you can have something.For example:
I have to get groceries now from the store.
They’re ways to use modal verbs wrong.
Modal verbs are words like
Hi Aamirat,
It’s the first time I’ve spoken to you over the blog – it’s good to hear from you.
Well remembered work on modal verbs.
Mrs Millard XX
Thank you very much
1makes a square
2 does not make a square
3 does not make a square
4 make a square
5 does not make a square
6 does make a square
7 does not make a square
8 makes a square
9 does not make a square
10 does not make a square
11 makes a square
12 does not make a square
13 makes a square
14 makes a square
15 makes a square
16 does not make a square
17 makes a square
18 does not make a square
19 does not make a square
20 makes a square
Thanks for your Maths Jessica. Did you number the nets across in rows or down in columns? Let me know and I’ll tell you the solution. Sorry, I perhaps should have specified rows or columns originally – silly me!
Did you mean ‘cube’ in your answer or ‘square’?
Mrs Millard XX
1,2,3,4,6,9,11,13,14,15,17,18,19 all make cubes.
Thanks for this Simar. Did you number your nets in rows across or columns down? Let me know and I’ll tell you the solution.
Mrs Millard XX
1. I would tell my parents to check if it’s true
2. B because you shouldn’t play those games because he is underaged.
Good ICT safety advice Simar – thank you.
Mrs Millard XX
Don’t click it because it could be a scam and you might have to put your details in and they could take your details and use them.
The answer is b because it says its an 18 game so it will be inappropriate for younger children. It could have guns and that might teach the younger children to think that’s good.
I think I found all of them and i noticed a pattern. They all had four in a row and one on each side.
Good ICT safety advice Lydia – well done.
Which nets did you find? Let me know which ones and whether you numbered them in rows across or columns down.
Mrs Millard XX
Nets that make a cube:
Thank you Aamirat.
Let me know whether you numbered the nets in rows across or column down and then I can let you know the solution.
Mrs Millard XX
i numbered them in rows like this
………….then went to the next one like
What i would do is i would not take the offer because it could be a fraud and also i would not take it because i am fine with the money me and my family already have.Or another sensible thing to do is consult with your parents weather they would like to take up on the offer(Personally i would have said no).
Tim should not download an 18 game because it could be violent,traumatizing and inappropriate so I would say he should not get the game or he could tell his parents but the sensible thing to do is just stick to your age games.
Good ICT advice Aamirat – thank you.
What’s wrong with many of the words ‘i’ in your comment?
Mrs Millard XX
Sorry Miss Millard i forgot to use capitals but it won’t happen again