Tuesday 7th July – Year 5

Good morning Year 5 – how are you all?

Here is your learning today:


Here is an example of a sentence that begins with Who? and moves on the become more detailed by adding What? When? Where?

and Why?


I’d like you to choose 2 sentences of your own and follow this idea – begin with the Who? and then add the other 4 elements. Remember that silly sentences make us all smile – use your imagination!


I would like you to create a factfile about a particular country – it is totally your choice about which country you choose. Here are some example (they are only examples and you are free to use these as a guide or include your own facts).

Around the world – all-6106085 – TES Book6 Australiap2-3 -Summer Camp 2011

Around the world – all-6106085 – TES Book2 Mexico-Summer Camp 2011

Some things to consider including may be:

  • Food – what do they traditionally eat there?
  • Phrases – common phrases in their langauge
  • Currency
  • Traditional dress/costume
  • Famous cities in that country
  • Traditions/festivals
  • Landmarks (these can be human or physical). May include mountains, rivers, famous buildings etc.
  • What is this country famous for?
  • Sport
  • What oceans is it closest to?
  • What do you know about this countries history?
  • What does their flag look like?
  • What wildlife would you expect to see there? Is it very different to England?



Have you ever heard of an ‘arithmagon’? Here is an example explaining what it is:


Have a go – there are lots of levels


We will continue with our work on shape. Here is the next lesson:


As always, let me know what you think and tell me what you have learnt.


Have a go at this task – it’s called ‘Draw with Rob’. I’m not sure if you have looked at this before but it’s a nice draw along session where you can draw a monster at the same time as Rob and he’ll give you lots of tips. Rob also has lots of other lessons with different topics if you enjoy it. Let me know what you think.

Other learning

Have a go at completing these capital cities:

captial cities

Have a great day. Take care,

Mrs Millard and Mrs Munro XX


14 thoughts on “Tuesday 7th July – Year 5

    • 7th July 2020 at 5:31 pm

      Hi Evie!

  • 7th July 2020 at 10:33 am

    The video with rob is jut black xx

    • 7th July 2020 at 5:32 pm

      I’ve just tried it Evie and it seems to be O.K.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 7th July 2020 at 11:28 am

    So I am going to talk about Lithuania
    the foods that they make are soups and and all so get brown bread cut it in pieces and then fry it after its fried add chopped up garlic to give the taste a little bit of a kick. It also comes with a dip they also make beetroot soup they make one of my favourite dishes ever kababs. And the currency is euros and cents.

    • 7th July 2020 at 5:33 pm

      Thanks Dan,

      Some really interesting facts. Check through your work and correct any punctuation that needs changing.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 7th July 2020 at 11:34 am

    they like fairy cake witch is bread butter and 100 and 1000’s
    and they like Tim Tams
    and Vegemite
    they say g’day mate.
    they money is like dollars but more colourful.
    the 2 most famous city is Sydney witch has 5.2 mil and the second one is called Nebourne with 4.9 mil.
    They dress up as
    Santa and go surfing and make sand men.
    there 2 animals that they only have are kangaroo and koala .
    The 2 sports are cricket and football they love it .
    They are close to the Indian and the pacific ocean .
    There country flag is the U.K flag in the corner and blue background with white stars .
    They have kangaroos and koala and its very different to the U.Ks animals

    • 7th July 2020 at 5:35 pm

      Hi Jessica,

      I presume you have written about Australia??

      Some really interesting facts – well done.
      Check there/their/they’re – I think I mentioned this recently??

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 7th July 2020 at 11:57 am

    i made some mistakes in maths but ilooked in a book and corrected it

    • 7th July 2020 at 5:35 pm

      Thanks Dan,

      Did you realise where you went wrong? Let me know if you need any help.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 7th July 2020 at 1:35 pm

    who – The monkey jump into a tree .
    what – The monkey jump into a tree from branch to another
    when – The monkey jump into a tree from branch to another in day
    why – The monkey jump into a tree from branch to another in day to find banana

    • 7th July 2020 at 5:36 pm

      Well done Alex,

      Don’t forget full stops at the ends of your sentences. Does your ‘when’ sentence make sense?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 7th July 2020 at 3:15 pm

    welcome to Brazil
    Brazil is in South America .Capital of Brazil is Brasilia .The population of Brazil is 212 ,559 ,417 million .The longest river in brazil is Amazon . The Christ the redeemer is a popular statue in brazil in Rio de Janeiro . There are 9 countries around Brazil and a ocean . In Brazil their food is pao de queijo, picanha , Akra , coxinha , cheese bun , tapioca chip , bolinhos de bacalhau , kibbeh , Acai na tigela , chocolate balls and pastel . Top 3 celebrations in brazil: number 1 happy New Year ,number 2 Rio de Janeiro number 3 Festa Junia .

    • 7th July 2020 at 5:37 pm

      Well done Alex,

      A really good factfile with lots of interesting facts.

      Mrs Millard XX


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