Tuesday 9th June Home Learning
Good morning Year 2! We hope you and your families are all well and that you enjoyed yesterday’s learning. A big well done to all the children who sent us work or left us comments on the blog. We are really proud of how hard you are working. Here are your learning tasks for today. Have a terrific Tuesday!
Miss Battams and Miss Duncan
Today’s English lesson is all about writing questions properly. Sometimes we forget the difference between writing a question and a statement when we are completing our written tasks. This will hopefully remind you of how to compose a proper question using the correct punctuation.
Click here to access the lesson https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zpshjsg
- watch the short video to remind yourself of what a question is.
- Complete Activity 1. Can you spot which of the sentences are questions? This is an interactive online quiz for you to complete. If you cannot complete it online, use the photograph below to help you complete this activity.
3. Complete activity 3 – Writing questions.
For maths today you have another online lesson about fractions. This is an important skill to practice ready for moving into Year 3. This lesson looks at the numerator and denominator and non-unit fractions.
What is a non-unit fraction?
A non-unit fraction is a fraction where the numerator (the top number) is greater than 1. The denominator (the bottom number) can be any whole number. Here are some examples of non-unit fractions: ⅖, ⁷⁄₁₂ and ¾
Click here to access the learning: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z6cbhcw
- Watch the short video to remind you of what fractions are.
- Have a go at completing activity 1. You can click on the task to open and print the worksheet or you can use the photographs of the activity below to help you complete your work.
3. Complete activity 4. Have some fun an play the online game Karate Cats Maths. Make sure you choose the questions about Fractions first as this is what we are learning about today. You might be able have a go at the other questions later! Enjoy!
We have an online log in which will link to some ebooks that follow our reading scheme in school. These books will allow your child to practice their phonics skills. It is a free resource.
Please choose a book for your child to read to you.
Click on this link and your child can choose a book to read https://connect.collins.co.uk/school/teacherlogin.aspx
You will arrive at this screen below.
Enter the following details to log in.
Username is: parents@harpercollins.co.uk The password is Parents20!
Click on this picture to see the available books.
Click on the list on the left side of the page to choose the colour book for your child. Your child should know what colour band they were on in school. If you are unsure select a blue or green book to start. Choose a lower or higher book if this is too easy or too hard for your child. Your child should be able to segment the sounds and blend them to read the words if they cannot read them by sight. Click on the book your child would like to read and it will open.
If you would like more ideas with how to support your child with phonics you can click in this link to the phonics hub. https://www.roadeenglishhub.co.uk/parents/
Mrs Davies and Mr Davies would like you to log on to the schools PE learning. Follow the instructions below to log in and take part. Remember if you send pictures or videos to the PE department email, you can earn points for your house. Fire were the winners last week. Will it be your house this week?
It is important to stay active and do a little exercise each day. You may also like to have a go at the virtual games. This week it is all about football skills. Click on the video to see what you have to do. Don’t forget to let us know how you’ve got on! You can send your scores to PE@lingsprimary.org.uk and earn points for our school.
Yesterday we encouraged you to sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge. Can you read a little more of the first book you have chosen? It would be great if you could leave us a comment on the blog to tell us which book you have chosen and why. We look forward to seeing what you are reading! If you haven’t registered yet there’s still plenty of time! Use this link to get going. https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/
Why was Brain on a trampoline?
Where does a question mark go?
1.The denominator is 2
The numerator is 4
Frank loved the phonics frog game from yesterday and is enjoying the bite size lessons.
This is great to hear! Keep up the good work Frank! Miss Battams 🙂
Elliot wrote and asked some great questions. He remembered to use a question mark at the end and we talked about words questions begin with. We also played a game on phonics bloom Yes/No Yeti, which involved reading answering questions. Elliot chose a book from the blue band to read but I think we may go up to green tomorrow. This is a great website, thanks for sharing. We will be choosing books daily from there to keep practising with.
Brilliant! I am glad you found the ebooks useful. I’m more than happy for Elliot to move up a band if you think he is ready. Keep up the good work. Miss Battams 🙂
Zion read a book from the gold band. He enjoyed reading the book and he will read some more books from there.