Thursday 26th March – Year 1

Hello again Year 1,

How are you getting on? Keep sending us your work and activities online … we are enjoying seeing all of your hard work!

Here’s your set of activities for today …

  1. Phonics
    Can you think of any words with the ‘ue’ sound in?
    Get your adult to challenge you to write some words with the ‘ue’ sound in …
    e.g. glue, blue, cue, dueRemember that the ‘ue’ sound can also be spelt as <ew> and <u e>; as in few, drew, tune, cute
  2. Sounds-Write Phonics
    Mrs Brookes/Roberts, Miss Simons and Mrs Sargent’s groups:
    /ue/ <ue>
    all previously learnt sounds.
    Read the words: tune cute use true blue cruel
    Write the words: useful huge cute argue fuel statue
    Sound Swap: tan stan stin strin sprin crin cron pron prun prunt trunt
    Dictation: The girl refused to use the glue stick.

    Mrs Jones’ group:
    /ue/ <u-e>Review all previously learnt sounds.
    Read the words: tune cute use true blue cruel
    Write the words: useful huge cute argue fuel statue
    Sound Swap: tan stan stin strin sprin crin cron pron prun prunt trunt
    Dictation: The girl refused to use the glue stick because it was blue and new.

  3. Maths

    Listen to the story Kipper’s Birthday Party:
    What happened? What’s the problem? Why did Kipper’s friends turn up late?
    Introduce the words, ‘yesterday’, ‘today’ and ‘tomorrow’.
    What did you do yesterday?
    What are you doing today?
    What will you be doing tomorrow?

    Write your ideas down in sentences, e.g. Yesterday, I was …
    Today I am …
    Tomorrow I will be …

  4. Reading/Writing (Science)
    What does Spring look and feel like?
    Play ‘guess the weather game’. Get a partner to act out a certain type of weather.
    Can you remember what the weather symbol is? Record your answers and then swap!
    Look out of the window and observe what you can see (focus on the colours that you can see in nature, the leaves on the trees/ground, the growth of flowers).  Draw a picture of what you can see and label it, e.g. the flowers are growing, there are leaves on the ground, ect.
  5. RE
    Jews believe that God made the world in a week, making special things on each day.  There are 7 days in a week (count to 6) and on each day he made amazing things like light, sea, animals and people. But what about the 7th day? On the 7th day, God did something very, very important. Do you know what it was? He had a rest. He did nothing! God wasn’t tired – his work was complete. Because God rested, Jews rest too. They believe God was showing them an important part of living – to rest and relax. So, on this day, Jews celebrate, and they also rest. It’s a very special day called Shabbat.
    Watch this video:
    What do Jewish people do to relax? What do you do to relax?
    Record your ideas! Write, draw, paint, however you would like to record!
  6. Geography
    What’s the same and what’s different between Hunstanton and Northampton?
    Watch the video that we have watched in school of Hunstanton:
    Watch this video of Northampton:
    Can you make a Venn diagram of the similarities and differences between the two towns?

Don’t forget to enjoy the sunshine! Get some fresh air in your garden, or go for a walk with your adult!

Miss Simons, Mrs Brookes and Mrs Roberts X

4 thoughts on “Thursday 26th March – Year 1

  • 25th March 2020 at 11:43 am

    Morning, Lewis watched the phonics video with enthusiasm practicing ‘aim’.

    • 26th March 2020 at 6:28 pm


      I am so pleased that Lewis enjoyed Phonics with Mr Thorne and that he was so enthusiastic about this!
      Keep up the good work!

      Miss Simons 🙂

  • 26th March 2020 at 9:58 am

    Martina enjoyed these tasks and has finished them all.

    • 26th March 2020 at 6:12 pm

      WOW! Martina … you really are working hard!
      Well done! Now have a rest!
      Miss Simons 🙂


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