Reception’s Learning week commencing 10th May

This week we have been learning about journeys to fit in with the whole school project relating to how we travel to school.  The vocabulary that the children have been taught this week is:

Travel – moving from one place to another.   

Vehicle – something used to transport people or goods. 

Origin – the place that you start at when you go on a journey. 

Destination -   the place that you are going. 

Journey – when you travel somewhere.

The children have worn their drama glasses to go on several journeys – on a train, a hot air balloon and an aeroplane.  I hope they have told you about it.  They wrote postcards from the plan journey and also a description of a journey that they have been on.

Here we are on the plane:

In maths we have been trying to automatically recall number bonds to 4 (0 and 5, 1 and 4, 2 and 3, 3 and 3, 4 and 1 and 5 and 0).  We have also started to learn how to double numbers.

Please do ask your children about all of this to see what they can remember!

Also…just in case you are wondering….our caterpillars are now all butterflies and we will set them free tomorrow.  Can you spot them in here?  They are well hidden!

Best wishes

The Reception Team



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