Year 1 (Home Learning) – Monday 1st March

Welcome Back Year 1,

We have reached our final week of remote learning … let’s make this the best one yet!

Just a reminder that World Book Day is due to take place virtually this Thursday 4th March.
We set you a half-term activity to create your own costume – Miss Kinsella instructed that your costume must be made of recycled materials, e.g. cardboard boxes, pastic bottles, paper, ect.
Get creative and have lots of fun!


FAO: Parents & Carers
A reminder of the expectations of Home Learning:

  • There will be a daily Zoom registration @ 10:40am, during which a member of the Year 1 Team will greet the children and discuss the activities for the day ahead.
  • The expectation is for children to be on the daily Zoom registration and engaging with the set activities on our Year 1 Blog – Phonics, Literacy, Maths and an additional Curriculum subject.
  • Please email children’s work across to their class teacher at:


Here are your activities for the day:

Online Safety



There are two Phonics (1 & 2) plans below. Please email us to find out which plan is most suitable for your child.

Phonics Plan 1
For letter sound practise:

Phonics Plan 2
For letter sound practise:


  • I can identify key features of London.
  • I know London is the capital city of England and United Kingdom.
  • I can write facts that I have learnt.

Where is London? What is London?

We are getting on a red double decker bus and going on a day trip to London …

As we travel around London, we would like you to create a word bank of what you see and the places you visit.

Watch this video:

Use the internet and/or following links to research the capital city of London:


Make sure that you keep your word banks safe for our writing activity tomorrow!




White Rose: Related facts

You may need:

  • 2 x ten frames
  • 20 counters (10 x one colour and 10 x a second colour)

Watch the video: 

<p><a href=”″>Spr1.4.3 – Related facts</a> from <a href=”″>White Rose Maths</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a>.</p>

Answer these questions:



What is important to Jewish people?


Jews – people who practice Judaism

Jewish – belonging to the faith of Judaism


What makes a thing special? Does it have to cost a lot of money?

Let’s have a look at some of the items that are special to Jews …

Which item do you think is the most special?

The words in The Torah are the most precious thing for Jews as they are the words and instructions from God to the Jewish people. Jews believe in one God (just like Muslims and Christians do) These instructions form the rules by which Jews live every day, so they are treated very respectfully. Next week we’ll find out how they show this respect of the words.

Main Activity:

What item(s) are most special to you?

Record your ideas – you can draw and/or write to present your ideas.


Have a great day,
Miss Simons, Mrs Roberts and Mrs Billingham : )

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