Year 1 (Home Learning) – Wednesday 25th November

Hello again Year 1,

We were pleased to see so many of you emailing your work to us yesterday at:

Please remember to keep all of your work, as the Year 1 teachers would like to make a display of all your hard work when we return to school!



Here is a clip of Mrs Tucker showing you how we teach Phonics at Lings:

We teach Phonics in groups in Year 1 – Miss Simons, Mrs Brookes/Mrs Roberts and Mrs Sargent each have a Phonics group.

Ask your child which Phonics group they are in and follow the appropriate planning below.
If you are unsure of which Phonics group they are in, then please email us at:



Read the next few pages of the story …

What a fabulous picnic Mrs Armitage made for her adventures!

If you were going on a picnic what would you put in your picnic basket?

Your job for today is to draw the things that you would take with you and write some interesting sentences to describe them.

Don’t forget to put in a drink to take with you!

Challenge: Can you use an adjective to describe your chosen food/drink?

E.g. I would take a juicy apple and some crunchy crisps.



Activity 1:

Today you are going to collect a given number of objects. You might want to use teddies, toys, straws or spoons … anything that your adult will let you count with!

You are going to create a ‘teen’ number – a number between 10 – 19.

Think about how you organise your objects when you are making your numbers … are you going to make dice patterns? Numicon shapes?


Activity 2:

Watch this video from White Rose:

Work through the problems to complete the lesson.

Have a go at completing this sheet:



We look forward to hearing from you,

Miss Simons, Mrs Brookes and Mrs Roberts : )

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