English – Thursday 25th February (Zoom at 11am)


Let’s find out about some of the background to life for Will and his friends.

To help you understand the text, have a go at answering the following questions:

  1. What was special about the summer of 1914?
  2. Where do Will and his friends work in the summer?
  3. How does the text suggest that World War One started?
  4. “So once again the British Army has to go overseas and sort things out,” said the old men of the village. What did they mean by this?
  5. Why did the British Army need thousands of men?
  6. The newspaper called on every man to do his duty “for King and Country”. What does this mean?
  7. Why was there pressure on young men to join the Army? Give 2 reasons.


Here is some important information about diary writing.

Find out about the main features of diaries and then look at the diary entry at the end.

Which features have been used well and where could it be improved?

THEN, use this list of features to develop the entries from Will’s diary that you have written earlier this week.

30 thoughts on “English – Thursday 25th February (Zoom at 11am)

  • 25th February 2021 at 10:13 am

    1. it was one of the hottest ever
    2. the harvest fields
    3. by how the archduke died and it started a war
    4. A war was happening and so they need to win again
    5. because it’s going to be a hard war and they’ll get out numbered
    6. it means to get every man so then it’ll be easier
    7. because they can i die let down the whole of England

    • 25th February 2021 at 1:50 pm

      Well done Kiran

      For Q7, the question asks about the pressure on people to join the army at the start of the war. What would have made people like Will feel like they should sign up?

      Mr Bushell

  • 25th February 2021 at 10:33 am

    1) It was the hottest ever
    2) They worked in the harvest fields
    3) It suggests that because they said about the murder of the Archduke and the German emperor was using the confusion as an excuse to go to war
    4) They meant that British army had to go over the sea and stop thew war by winning it
    5) They needed that much because the German army IS VERY strong
    6) That means that they want you to go to the army for the King and the country
    7) There was preassure on them because they would need to follow the more experienced older soliders and because thousand of them would need to go

    • 25th February 2021 at 1:48 pm

      Well done Franek.

      What does the text say about newspapers? How would these have put pressure on people to join the army?

      Mr Bushell

  • 25th February 2021 at 10:51 am

    1. it was the hottest day ever.

    2. they work in the hrvest fields.

    3. it suggests that the war started because it says “Many of the old soldiers of the village had alredy been recalled to the army and were on their way to the battlefeilds of france and belgium.

    4. i dont really now what that means.

    5. they needed thousnds of men so the british people could survive?

    6. king and country menas that the king is foring the country to go to war and try to make the ountry survive?

    7. so everyone can survive in the country, everyone is safe from other countries attacking.

    • 25th February 2021 at 1:46 pm

      Well done Timur

      Q4 mentions the old men saying that it was down to Britain to sort out wars involving other countries again. This was something that happened a lot.

      Mr Bushell

  • 25th February 2021 at 10:53 am

    i cant get into the 11 am zoom today and mabye cant get into the 2pm because it says that the password is incorrect but im writing the right password.

    • 25th February 2021 at 1:43 pm

      Hi Timur

      Just copy and paste the link straight into the address bar. You shouldn’t need the passcode.

      Mr Bushell

  • 25th February 2021 at 11:00 am

    i have already wrote my diary entry at school, do i have to write it again?

    • 25th February 2021 at 1:42 pm

      Hello Timur

      The idea is that you can edit and improve it based on what you have learned about diary writing and the story.

      For example, you may decide to add more detail in about the setting because this was missed out before.

      Mr Bushell

  • 25th February 2021 at 11:01 am

    What was special about the summer of 1914? It was the hottest ever
    Where do Will and his friends work in the summer? Harvest fields in Sarajevo
    How does the text suggest that World War One started? An Archduke had been killed
    “So once again the British Army has to go overseas and sort things out,” said the old men of the village. What did they mean by this? The British have to go and fight for their country
    Why did the British Army need thousands of men? To stop the German’s advancing across Europe
    The newspaper called on every man to do his duty “for King and Country”. What does this mean? Every man has to join the fight
    Why was there pressure on young men to join the Army? Give 2 reasons. Every man to do his duty for King and Country and because they needed thousands of men.

    • 25th February 2021 at 1:41 pm

      Well done Cody.

      For Q2, the boys did work in the harvest fields but these were not in Sarajevo. This was where the archduke was killed. Don’t forget that the boys are in the Suffolk countryside.

      What do you think is on the poster that was on the postbox?

      Mr Bushell

  • 25th February 2021 at 11:23 am

    1. What was special about the summer of 1914?

    It was one of the hottest days ever.

    2. Where do Will and his friends work in the summer?


    3. How does the text suggest that World War One started?

    The German emperor started the war.

    4. “So once again the British Army has to go overseas and sort things out,” said the old men of the village. What did they mean by this?

    That in world war 1, they had to go again and sort the problem out.

    5. Why did the British Army need thousands of men?

    Because the Germans had an advantage to take Europe and lots of men are needed to help all of Europe!

    6. The newspaper called on every man to do his duty “for King and Country”. What does this mean?

    It means that every man to work and save Europe for their country.

    7. Why was there pressure on young men to join the Army? Give 2 reasons.
    Because young men had the biggest advantage. Because young men are outnumbering the army.

    • 25th February 2021 at 1:35 pm

      Hello Hargun

      You have done well with most of these.

      For number 2, reread the text to find out where the boys worked – it wasn’t Sarajevo.

      For the last question, what does the text say about newspapers. How would these have put pressure on young people to join.

      Mr Bushell

  • 25th February 2021 at 11:24 am

    1. It was the hottest summer ever.
    2. In the havest feilds.
    3. That Sarajevo an Archduke had been killed.
    4. They have to go to war.
    5. To fight the enemys in war
    6. The news made people go in the army.
    7. Because it would be hard to work for the army and they could have been killed

    • 25th February 2021 at 1:27 pm

      Well done George.

      In which way did the news make people go in the army?
      (We will be exploring this tomorrow).

      Mr Bushell

  • 25th February 2021 at 11:52 am

    Dea dirary I am so existed because I got a goal in football, and I,am so joyful
    U do not understand.I want to be in war so bad .

    I am felling anxious and confused and worried if I willl ever get a goal again . It was so hard you do not know how hard I tried.

    • 25th February 2021 at 1:26 pm

      There are a few nice ideas here Imaobong but you could add in more details about the setting and make sure that your writing flows.

      Try to develop your ideas more before moving on to the next one.

      Mr Bushell

  • 25th February 2021 at 12:10 pm

    Dear diary,
    Today is the hottest day ever! Over the summer, I have been working in the harvest fields with my friends chopping the wheat under the hot sun. We found out that an Archduke had been killed so this has lead to WW1. I’m a little bit scared about it, but also excited at the same time because I would like to join the thousands of men in the army and fight for our country aka Britain. We would need to stop the German’s from attacking Europe. I think it would be a new experience and a good adventure. My friend Freddie, the goalkeeper, has said we should do it too. I need to make my mind up quick because they have said it could be over by Christmas.
    I shall write in here again tomorrow.

    From Will

    • 25th February 2021 at 1:22 pm

      This is great Cody!

      What you could also do is put all of your pieces of writing from the diary that you have done this week together as one big diary entry.

      This would be an awesome read about Will’s day.

      Terrific work!

      Mr Bushell

  • 25th February 2021 at 12:12 pm

    Hello Mr Bushell I don’t get the writing bit.

    • 25th February 2021 at 1:20 pm

      Hello Regina

      You need to go back over what you write earlier in the week (Will’s diary).

      Use what we have learned today to edit and improve it.

      Mr Bushell

  • 25th February 2021 at 12:59 pm

    What was special about the summer of 1914?It was one of the hottest ever summers

    Where do Will and his friends work in the summer? The Harvest Fields

    How does the text suggest that World War One started?The German Emperor was Killed

    “So once again the British Army has to go overseas and sort things out,” said the old men of the village. What did they mean by this?They have to fight to defend everyone

    Why did the British Army need thousands of men?to stop the Germans taking Europe over

    The newspaper called on every man to do his duty “for King and Country”. What does this mean?To help defend their country in the war

    Why was there pressure on young men to join the Army? Give 2 reasons.
    The country needed defence
    The Germans were bigger in numbers

    • 25th February 2021 at 1:19 pm

      Well done Finlay.

      For the last question, the text also refers to the pressure from newspapers and recruitment posters – more on those tomorrow…

      Mr Bushell

      • 25th February 2021 at 5:40 pm

        English reading

        1. 1914 was the hotttest summer ever

        2. Will and his friends worked in the harveat fielsds in sarajevo

        3. Archduke was killed and the british army travelled over sees to stop the german advancing across europe.

        4. The army will fight until the problem is solved

        5. The bigger the army the more chances they have to win

        6. The newspaper advert would reach more people to force them to sign up to the army

        7. The army needed all the people they could get.
        The army needs gounger soldiers as they would be fitter

        • 25th February 2021 at 7:01 pm

          Hello Mia

          For Q2, they did work on the harvest fields but they were not in Sarajevo – this is where the Archduke was killed. Don’t forget that the boys lived in Suffolk so this is where they worked.

          Good work Mia – you have read the text closely and thought hard about what it means.

          Mr Bushell

  • 25th February 2021 at 4:37 pm

    1. It was really hot
    2.They work in the harvest flields
    3. In a place called Sarajevo an arch duke had been killed by German Emperor
    4. It means that Britan is protecting Europe From the Germans
    5. To protect Europe
    6. That they needed more people for army
    7. There was alot of pressure on them because you could make it out alive or not and there is no privacy

    • 25th February 2021 at 7:05 pm

      Good work Alex.

      For Q7, how would newspapers and posters have put pressure on men to join the army?

      Mr Bushell

  • 25th February 2021 at 4:53 pm


    1. That it was the hottest summer.
    2. They had to harvest fields.
    3. The germans invaded nearby countrys and england got invovled.
    4. It means britain has fought overseas before.
    5. To stop the germans advancing into different countrys.
    6. It means you must protect your king and country
    7. The pressure was on as the army needed thousands of men, and many were loosing lifes.


    Dear diary
    Today is the hottest day ever it’s like 100 degrees or something. Not long ago an archduke was killed and this led to ww1 (World War One). thousands of people are signing up and many are lost. Me and my mates were talking about signing up we were saying how it would be an adventure. Although it will all be over by christmas it will be a very bad experience to miss it. For king and country.

    • 25th February 2021 at 7:04 pm

      Well done Owen

      For Q3 this is true but the first event that started the war was an archduke being killed in Sarajevo – which gave Germany an excuse to invade others.

      For Q7, how would newspapers and posters have put pressure on men to join the army?

      Good start to the diary entry. Could you also include details of the setting. Think of that great picture of the boys walking into the sunset.

      Mr Bushell


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