Maths – Friday 22nd January

This book allows us to see the many billions of people who live on Earth as a village of 100 people.

Watch the clip below to find out what the world would be like if it was just a village made up of 100 people.

What did you think of the world?

The pictures below are taken from the clip and show some of the information presented in it.

You can see what our village of 100 people would be like.

What do you think of the village? Would it be a good place to live? Is it fair for all of the 100 people? What is good about the village? What problems might there be?

Your task is to write about the village using the questions above.

You should choose the areas that interest you first and write about those. The challenge is to write about each of the areas shown. Do you think you could write about each part of the village?

We’re looking forward to finding out what you think of our global village!

You should spend at least 1 hour on this.

18 thoughts on “Maths – Friday 22nd January

  • 22nd January 2021 at 9:08 am

    Mrs leeming i have a question is this maths? because i think this is more like english

    • 22nd January 2021 at 3:00 pm

      Hello Lily

      Look at my reply to Hollie. This will explain things!

      Mr Bushell

  • 22nd January 2021 at 10:34 am


    I didn’t like it because the population would decrease really fast.

    I think it’s ok.

    I don’t think it would be a good place to live

    No it’s not fair because all deserve the same

    Nothing is good about the village

    The problems that are there are wild animals

    • 22nd January 2021 at 3:10 pm

      This village is based on our world today. We have billions of people. It has been scaled down to 100 people to make things easier to see and understand.

      In what ways is the world not fair?

      Mr Bushell

  • 22nd January 2021 at 10:46 am

    1. I think the village is a good place the same as our world but with not much people
    2. It is a good place to live because there less global warming
    3. It is not fair because other people have lots of food and others don’t have much food
    4. The good thing about the village there is less global warming
    5. not much well raid of the animals(which is there is a lot of animals)

    • 22nd January 2021 at 3:08 pm

      Hello Alex

      And the idea is that this shows our world today but with a more manageable amount of people in it to make things easier to understand.

      In what other ways is the world no fair?

      Mr Bushell

  • 22nd January 2021 at 11:43 am

    What do you think of the village?
    The village would be mostly empty.

    Would it be a good place to live?
    No, because the government could lose control to protect the place

    Is it fair for all of the 100 people?
    NO, the amount of people living will not be enough for government so money could not be produced.

    What is good about the village?
    That people can live in empty areas and have peace.

    What problems might there be?
    People could die from hunger as there won’t be enough farmers.

    Asia- People will have more power.
    Europe- Technology will be better
    S America- More peace
    N America- More wealthy
    Africa- More safe.

    • 22nd January 2021 at 3:07 pm

      Hello Hargun

      This is what the world would be like if our actual world today was scaled down to just 100 people.

      Would those 100 people all be the same?

      Mr Bushell

  • 22nd January 2021 at 11:52 am

    With only 100 people in the world there could be peace but some people do not have the right equipment to survive

    • 22nd January 2021 at 3:05 pm

      Can you expand on that more? What kind of things don’t some people in this world have?

      Mr Bushell

  • 22nd January 2021 at 12:23 pm

    The good thing is that there would need less space for everyone
    The bad thing is that there will be less people and that people would be more lonley

    • 22nd January 2021 at 3:04 pm

      Hello Franek

      The idea is that there is not just 100 people in the world.

      This shows what the world would be like if there was just 100 people. It is based on the world as it is with billions of people but the figures have been scaled down to make them easier to understand.

      Mr Bushell

  • 22nd January 2021 at 1:23 pm

    I don’t understand it I’ve read it but still don’t get it.

    • 22nd January 2021 at 3:02 pm

      The idea is that this is what the world would be like if it was only 100 people.

      It shows what life would be like for those 100 people.

      Would it be fair?

  • 22nd January 2021 at 1:55 pm

    This doesn’t look like maths to me this looks like RE or something. I don’t get it at all.

    • 22nd January 2021 at 2:58 pm

      Hello Holly.

      That’s a really interesting comment!

      It is an activity that definitely involves you thinking about different subjects or topics.

      The maths skills involved are where you look at the information and think about what it tells you about the world. You are doing something called “interpreting data” which means reading information.

      You will be learning more about this next week when you do statistics (graphs, tables of information etc).

      So it is Maths!

      Hope that makes sense!

      Mr Bushell

  • 22nd January 2021 at 4:39 pm

    1. The village would be very nice as there will be more wild life and would have a sophisicated way of life.
    2. It will be a good place to live.
    3. No as some barely get any food and have to drink dirty water.
    4.The good thing about the village is that there will be more wildlife to rely on.
    5. The problems is that some have no money and others can’t get proper food or water.

    • 24th January 2021 at 7:05 pm

      This village is based on our world today.

      Is it a fair village?


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