English – Friday 22nd January
Act 1 Scene 2 – The Mechanicals
Your writing task today is to tell the story of this scene in your own words.
You can use the resources from yesterday to remind you about what happens.
You should aim to write at least 100 words.
The writing focus is punctuation. Use the punctuation pyramid below to make sure that this is accurate.
Capital letters and full stops are a non-negotiable. Look to use commas, question marks and exclamation marks where needed. Use other punctuation where you are able to.
The mechanicals had just gotten to the court and they were about to get there lines as there characters.there was trouble though,bottom was there.Quince was giving them there lines he Called bottom over”BOTTOM” yelled Quince
“Here” said bottom
“You will play as Pyramus” said Quince
“Francis flute” said Quince
“Here” said Francis flute
“You will play Thisbe” said flute
“What? I don’t want to play a women” said flute
Quince, OK we’ve got 4 days to practice the play so let’s make it quick so I will tell you who you are playing nick bottom you are playing pyramus he kill himself for love ok Frances flute you will play thisbe a super macho night by the way she a woman,really, yes now Robin stavilling you are thisbe s mother ha ha ha, laughed every one, really yes now Tom scout pyramus father yes and the joiner you’ll play lion all you do is ra ok now go to my desk and get your skript
Done it!
The Mechanicles, a group of rather terrible actors met at an empty garage. Quince went in as first and when everyone stood their foot inside a roar came from their left… Bottom pounced like a lion and started to laugh. everyone breathed deaply. He wanted to know who had which roles and that is what Quince wanted to tell them. “Bottom, the weaver” he called “Ready” Bottom replied “You are to be Pyramus-” “Who’s Pyramus, a lover, a tyrant?” “Pyramus is a lover, who kills himself for love, Flute, your part is Thisbe, the woman that loves Pyramus” “Don’t make me play a woman, I have a beard coming” He replied. “Let me play Thisbe” asked Bottom but he knew the reply was no from the look on Quince’s face. Quince found away to ‘hide the beard’ and said that Flute will then play in a mask
Peter Quince and the mechanicals meet up together in the court. Their plan is to practice and perform a play as part of Theseus and Hippolyta’s wedding day celebrations.
“Is everyone here?” asks Quince. When everyone says yes, he gets to work, telling everyone the parts they will play but Nick Bottom interrupts Quince every time he decides to talk, by suggesting what characters he wants to play as. This annoys Quince a lot and he shouts at Bottom, “You can play no part but Pyramus!” This is the most important character.
“Let’s go into the woods to practice so no one can hear or see us.” says Quince.
U must marry Demetrius not Lysander if u do u will die
“ but the more I hate the more he follows “
“I want to marry Lysander but my dad wants me to Mary Demetrius but I don’t love him I love Lysander “
What do I do this is a tragedy
….to be continued
Is everyone here? Quince questioned Call them all genrally man by man acording to the scrip! ordered Bottom Here is a scroll of every mans name in athens and who are going to play in inturlude at the dutch and dutchesses wedding day. said Quince First read the best parts of the play and then read the name of the actors. said Bottom our play is the worst comedy and the cruelest death of Pyrimis and phisbe you Nick Bottom are set for Pyrimis. ordered Quince Who is pyrimis a lover, or a tyrant. asked Nick ‘Pyrimis is a man who killed himself desprate for love said Quince Flute you are Fisbe” i cant play a woman, i have a beard coming’! said flute you can play in a mask and speak as tiny as you can. ordered Quince Robin you are Thisbe’s mother Tom you are Pyrimisi’s father and me thisbes father and snug the loins part. he said But im not good at the loin. said snug It willbe easy as its nothing but rauring. quince told him let me be the lion too. said bottom the only part you can be is Pyrimis tommorow by moon light meet in the woods there we will rehearse.
The mechanicals went into the woods to perform a small show of the most crawl death of pyremas and phisby for the dukes wedding in the woods but bottom wanted to be all the people in the play. So the director ( Peter Quince) had told him no so he should play pyremas. And snug was the lion and was slow of study. Flute was a woman and refused and said I can’t do it because I have a beard coming.Starving hade to play phisbys mother and quince said he will play as pyramases mum.
The machanicals met in the court to rehease the play we are going to preform at the dukes wedding. “Is all are company here.” Said Quince.Just as Quince is about to direct the actors bottom inturupts him telling him how to do his own job.Quince trys to tell the machanicals the roles they will be playing, but bottom inturupts again. Bottom is being very loud and is acting like a small child. Quince get fed up of Bottom and shouts at him,saying “you can play no part but Pyramus” “Meet me tomorrow a mile from the place in the woods by moon light to rehearse.” Said Quince while handing out the scripts.
Well done Mia. You show a good understanding of this scene and your writing tells this part of the story clearly. You have used full stops and inverted commas well. You have included just about the right amount of speech.
You could also include a description about what the mechanicals are like (for example: Bottom is bossy, Quince gets cross with him, the mechanicals are amateur actors who lack skill).
Mr Bushell
Come on in right we have 4 days to practice. I will call your names and then your character ok. “Got it! ” everyone shouted. Then I will give you your script ok. ” Yes,” everyone exclaimed.
“Right bottom, ” shouted peter quince.
“Yes,” Bottom said .
“You will be Pyramus,” quince said
“Cool, wait who is Pyramus?” Bottom said in a confusing voice.
” He is a man who kills himself in the name of love,” exclaimed quince.
“Now Flute,” exclaimed quince.
“You will be Thisbe,”
“Who is Thisbe?” Flute said.
“A girl who loves Pyramus!” quince said angrily.
“What I’m no girl I I have a beard growing,” flute said sheepishly.
“You are a lion all you have to do is growl,” quince said
“You are Thisbes mother.”
“and you are Pyramuses dad.”
Right here is your script
Hello Owen
You show a good understanding of the scene. Try not to use so many inverted commas (speech marks) and just have one or two lines of dialogue (speech).
Try to tell the story without relying on too much conversation between characters.
Mr Bushell
The mechanicals appeared in Athens with a surprise play for Theseus’s wedding. ”Is everyone here? ”asked Peter Quince ”I am” replied Bottom. Then Peter Quince decided to give them all roles in the play.
You are going to play Pyramus Bottom ”YAY!” replied Bottom
Flute you are going to play the lady Pyramus loves ”but my um… beard is growing”
”you can wear a mask!” shouted Quince
”And you should be Pyramus’s Mum” Okay one of the actors said
”And the last but not least you should be the big(BIG)lion” ”what are the lines asked an actor?”
”all you have to do is roar” said Quince
And practise you sheets and we will meet at the woods.
You show a good understanding of the scene Alex.
Try to use less inverted commas (speech marks). Focus on telling the story and just have one or two lines of dialogue (speech).
Mr Bushell