Reception Home Learning Monday 18th January

Good morning

The children in school, and at home, really enjoyed the Gingerbread Man story last week so this week we have another traditional tale to learn about which is The Three Little Pigs.  

Thank you to all the parents who are coming to the registers every morning. Please do keep coming to our Zoom registers – as this is term time and these are school days, we have a duty of care to the children and need to keep in very regular contact.  If we do not see you on the registers we will follow up with a phone call during the week.  

The link to the register is the same everyday.

Hargreaves 10.30
Nightingale 10.45

So lets get down to today’s learning, you know what’s first!

Phonics – some of these videos were recorded while we were in isolation, so please ignore what is said before the lesson starting. If your child is finding the lesson they are doing too difficult then please watch an earlier lesson or repeat last weeks. As long as the children are practising the skills of letter recognition, blending and segmenting everyday they will maintain their skills.

Phonics Group A – We are starting to learn 4 and 5 letter words this week.

Phonics Group B – Two new sounds this week x and y


Phonics Group C – A new sound this week u.  They should all have their boards to use now.  Ignore that it says group B – this was recorded previously.


This week I have photographed books for each of the phonics groups – you do not have to stay on that one but try the one I have recommend first and then work up or down.


This week we, our literacy is going to be focussed on the story of The Three Little Pigs.  Before you listen to the story here is this week’s vocabulary (new words) to learn.

So now you have learnt some of the words in the story let’s listen to it..


This week in maths we are going to be looking at more than, less than and equal to/the same as in both numerals and quantities.

Starter: We are going to continue to use the White Rose videos as starters to the main maths activity.

Please choose session 5

Main activity

We will continue to look at one more and one less…with the Three Little Pigs.  Watch out for the wolf because he is hungry too!

Physical Development

You should all have links to the online PE resources with Jasmine.  Well done to Alfie, Jayden, Maddison, Emily B and Gabriel who all received certificates this week for logging onto the system.  More certificates to follow for the children who do the same.  Every week the PE team will put a blog on our site for that week’s PE.  This is the link to last week’s sessions if you missed it.  Or continue with the ball skills from last week – throwing and catching accurately.

In addition, here’s a little video with Mrs O’Hagan demonstrating how to help your child with their cutting skills.  At top tip is that if they cannot open and close their hands to cut put elastic bands over their thumb and fore and middle fingers and ask them to stretch the elastic bands out wide – like this – 








Please listen to The Three Little Pigs story again and see if you can join in as Mrs O’Hagan reads it.

Thanks for working hard everyone – we will see you in the morning.  

The Reception Team


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