Monday 6th July – Year 6
Warm up:
Northampton Academy:
If you are going to NA in September, you should have had an e-mail about transition.
In case you didn’t get it, I have added it below.
Transition day letter to parents V2
Spend some time reading a book of your choice. Why not add it to the suggestions on the Summer Reading Challenge blog.
Complete the lessons below reminding yourself how to round whole numbers and decimals:
Shirt signing:
Shirt signing will be a bit different this year. Why not write a little message for all of your Year 6 friends that they can put on their shirt. Send them over to me on the e-mail so I can give them out.
Anywhere Island project:
Over the next few days, I would like you to complete a project called ‘Anywhere Island’.
Work through the PowerPoint completing the tasks that you have been set.
Use Your Senses Vocabulary Collection Activity Sheet
Online safety:
Extra tasks:
– continue with your ‘My time at Lings’ booklet
– continue with your transition booklet
– write a letter to one of your classmates or teachers.
the book is Michael Rosen all about me this is poem mum’ll be comiug home today it’s thuee weeks she been away whew dad’s aloue is cold meat wtich I dou’t like and he burus the toast I waut just-brown and I hate taluing the ash-can down