Tuesday 31st March – Year 6


Diary writing

One day, children will learn about the time that the world shut because of Corona virus and they will want to know true life stories of the people that lived through it. They will want to know about the difficulties (not be able to go to school) and the funny parts (not being able to buy toilet paper).


I want you to write a diary entry of a day that you have had so far. This could be about a day before schools closed or after.

Things you might want to include:

– What home learning did you do?

– If you were in school, how many other children were there?

– Did you have your daily exercise? What was it?

– Did you have to face the supermarkets? Which shelves were empty?

– Did you watch Boris’s daily announcement? What were the key messages?

– Did you do anything especially different? i.e. clap for NHS workers, wash your hands before going in to a place, do an online virtual event.

In the comments box, copy one paragraph from your diary.



Age old problems:

  • My age this year is a multiple of 8. Next year it will be a multiple of 7. How old am I?
  • Last year my age was a square number. Next year it will be a cube number. How old am I? How long must I wait until my age is both a square number and a cube number?
  • My Mum was 27 when I was born. 8 years ago she was twice as old as I shall be in 5 years’ time. How old am I now?



Watch the following clip:


What other information can you find out about Langar and the Langar Hall?

Write an explanation about how and why they are used.

20 thoughts on “Tuesday 31st March – Year 6

  • 31st March 2020 at 9:59 am

    the man in the first maths one is 48 this year and 49 next year

  • 31st March 2020 at 10:12 am

    Dear diary,
    Before we went on lockdown, me and my mum went shopping for essential items and everyone was rushing around and trying to get everything off of the shelves! I even saw a couple of people grabbing to shopping trollies just for themselves. People are saying the main thing that was being taken off of the shelves was toilet paper, but it was everything, such as: baked beans; caned food; frozen food and lots more.

  • 31st March 2020 at 10:42 am

    Dear diary,
    I still did everything the same and I survived the corona virus because I was a kid. Well when we were in lockdown it was so boring because we couldn’t see our friends.

    • 31st March 2020 at 12:14 pm

      Dear diary
      Day 1
      I’m happy since I don’t have to go
      School unfortunately I must participate in having do homework which is ok but I no motivation to do it .Everyones gone insane and carens must fight enraged mothers for hand sanitizer however peaple are going nuts of some bog roll and pasta

      • 31st March 2020 at 3:54 pm

        Ryan – have a look at your use of punctuation please. Can you make any improvements?

    • 31st March 2020 at 3:55 pm

      Have you done everything the same?

  • 31st March 2020 at 10:48 am

    1. 48 and 49
    2.They are 26 this year 27 next and 25 last year. They will have to wait 38 years to be 64 to make it both square and cube.

  • 31st March 2020 at 10:59 am

    1. He is 48 years old this year and next year he is 49 years old.

    2. 9 this year and next year he will be 10 years old. And for him to be both he has to wait 55 years.

    3.he is 12 and a half.

  • 31st March 2020 at 11:36 am

    1.48 and 49
    2. 26 now and has to wait 38 years till he is 64 when his age would be a square and cubed number.

  • 31st March 2020 at 11:58 am

    Dear diary,
    Before it was anouced that we are going into lock down we went to all sorts of shops (during the afternoon) there was no: toilet paper,dry pasta,rice or sometimes even health essentials.
    We found out that in the mo ring there’s more stuff but you had to go thorough long lines even going from one shop to another.

    As for school work we had school blogs and got packs from school including:maths tests, E gljsh tests and some colouring sheets.
    At that time no one had a clue when we are going to go back if if we are going to came back to the same class we were in when we left.

    • 31st March 2020 at 3:55 pm

      How do you feel about it?

  • 31st March 2020 at 12:00 pm

    1.48 and 49
    2.he is 26 and he has to wait 38 years to become 64 and 64 is a cube and square number

    i dont know question 3 so i will work it out at home

  • 31st March 2020 at 12:35 pm

    This year 48
    Next year 49


    26 years old
    38 more till 64

  • 31st March 2020 at 12:35 pm

    This year 48
    Next year 49


    26 years old
    38 more till 64



  • 31st March 2020 at 12:52 pm

    1 is 48 and 49
    2is 25 27 he is 26 and has to wait 38 years till he’s 64 .
    3He is 9

  • 31st March 2020 at 3:27 pm

    I am sorry, I can not get onto the R.E websites.

    • 31st March 2020 at 3:54 pm

      Try pressing the Ctrl button on your keyboard as you click it.

  • 31st March 2020 at 4:32 pm

    1.48 and 49.
    2.Last year they were this year they are 26 next year they are going to be 27.
    3.He is 9.

    paragraph 2
    Dear diary,
    We are still in lockdown and only a maximum of people are out in my neighbourhood ! I have got used to being inside and doing work, but sometimes I drive myself mad. Even though I wasn’t there on the last day of school I still have to do work on my laptop (like I am now).I have a lot of entertainment surrounding me ,but my eyes are just stuck to the screen, but one thing I like about going on my laptop, is that I challenging myself to type quick and I am getting better day by day.

    from chanelxx

  • 31st March 2020 at 4:35 pm

    Sorry but for some reason the video about religion wont show up it says unavalible.

  • 2nd April 2020 at 2:06 pm

    dear diary being at home is boring so going outside is not so bad


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