Jack and the Beanstalk – Week commencing 22.06.2020

Hello everybody,

We hope you have had a lovely weekend and been enjoying the sunshine! This week we are going to have a growing week! In pre-school, the children are going to be planting seeds and watching them grow. Mrs Webb is also going to plant some sunflower seeds. You will find pictures on Tapestry of how the sunflowers grow!

Our topic this week to do with growing is going to be on Jack and the Beanstalk!

It would be great if you could do some planting of your own? Maybe see if your grown ups could buy you some beans or seeds so that you can watch them grow at home? What does your seeds/beans need to help them grow? This would be so lovely to see and if you do this please add your pictures on to Tapestry so we can see how well they are growing.

This week could you read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. If you do not have this book at home here is a link for you to watch the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvoJmMW-Wbo

  1. In the story Jack wakes up to find a huge beanstalk right outside his house! How do you think Jack was feeling when he saw the giant beanstalk? How do you think you would feel if you found a beanstalk outside your house?
  2. When Jack climbs to the top of the beanstalk, what does he find? Can you remember the things he brings back down the bean stalk with him? What would you like to find at the top of the beanstalk?
  3. Jack is asked to sell the family cow at the market. Do you know what a market is? Here is a picture showing you what might be sold at a market. Can you look at the picture and describe in full sentences what you can see? (see market picture below)
  4. In the story Jack has magic beans. Can you find 5 objects to count out? Maybe pennies or stones? If you have 5 objects and 2 more objects are added to your collection how many will you have? Now if you have 5 objects and 2 objects are taken away how many will you have now?
  5.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w77zPAtVTuI This is a clip showing a bean growing, can you talk about what you can see happening? Can you use a full sentence to talk about what the bean is doing?
  6. In the story of Jack and the Beanstalk Jack climbs to the top of the beanstalk. At the top he finds a castle that belongs to a giant. If you climbed to the top of the beanstalk what would you like to find? 
  7. In the story the beanstalk grows taller and taller. Can you find 3 items around your home and put them in order from tall to taller to tallest?
  8. Do you remember playing beans on toast in PE at preschool? This is a fun game that you could do with your family. Can you listen to the instruction and be each bean?

Runner bean – run on the spot 

Jumping bean – jump on the spot 

Jelly bean – wibble-wobble on the spot 

French bean – one hand on the hip, other out in front and say “oooo la la” 

String bean – stretch up high 

Chilli bean – shiver 

Broad bean – make yourself as wide as possible 

Beans on toast – curl up small like a bean (on a mat/cushion/floor)

We hope you all have a lovely week! Remember to keep posting all your amazing activities on Tapestry and if you do planting it would be lovely to see what you have planted as well how well they are growing.

Look after yourselves!

Mrs Webb, Mrs Crane and Mrs Allen

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