Reception Home Learning Week Commencing 22nd June
Welcome to another week of home learning for those of you remaining at home, and for those of you in school who would like to work at home! If you need any support remember you can contact us at or on Tapestry. Thank you to those of you who are continuing to share your child’s learning with us.
In school last week we were writing sentences about what we were enjoying doing at school. This is a sentence from one of the children, even though they missed out finger spaces you can see how they have used their phonic knowledge to write the words. If you are working with your child at home, don’t worry if their words are not spelt correctly. Congratulate them on using the right sounds, you can then show them the correct spelling but assure them they have done very well.
This weeks learning:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
tall short wide narrow closest furthest pdf
Feel free to do these school based activities twice or supplement them with the following:
Phonics –
These are a series of lessons using a different scheme to ours but the children will be able to follow. Click on Reception play all and then start from lesson one from the right hand side.
Reading –
You need to register, but it is free, and there are 100s of decodable books on this site.
General – Oak Academy is a national online teaching website providing lessons and resources for all primary aged children. You can pick a maths and literacy lesson to complete each day. More lessons are added each week.
The BBC also has lessons online but they do not cover the Early Years curriculum as well as The Oak Academy
Also a good site that we use in school, especially for maths, is Topmarks
The children in Mrs O’Hagan and Mrs Tucker’s groups will be doing this work this week. The children in the Key Worker group will be doing similar work but you can use this to supplement their work if they are not in school every day:
In addition to the other external resources we have highlighted for you before, please find a link to another phonics resource from Roade Phonic Hub:
Have a great week everyone.