Year 2 Home Learning Task – Thursday 18th June

Hi Year 2

We hope you have a wonderful day!

Here are today’s learning activities.


English – Reading

Reread the following text.

Silently a group of orphans sleep in an orphanage.
Quietly, the window shutters open and in crawls a mysterious creature.  He doesn’t look too friendly at first but we soon see what his plan is.
This is the Dreamgiver and by cracking his dream eggs he makes sure the childrens’ nights are pleasurable. He creates the dreams by cracking the eggs onto stories, posters and ballet shoes.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Why is he described as ‘mysterious’?
  2. Why do you think the Dreamgiver does what he does?
  3. Why do you think dreams are in eggs?
  4. Why does it all happened at night?
  5. What do you think happens if an egg smashes?


English – Writing

Watch the short film stopping at 3:14.

Even though you might be tempted to, don’t watch all of it. It will spoil your work for the rest of the week.


If you could be transported into a book, which book and why?

Write your response in full sentences.

*what happens in the book so what happens to you?

*are there any characters you could meet?

*what type of book is it?

*what is the genre?


Sounds-Write Phonics – Focus sound /air/ spelling <ere>  

Review – read the following Year 2 common exception words: people, clothes, great, mind, cold.

Read: there, where, compere, somewhere

Write : where, There, nowhere,

Sound Swap: where-there-towhere-nowhere-sowhere-somewhere


Maths – Basic Skills

If I start at 10 and count in 5s to 60, will I say the number 46?

How do you know?


Maths – Tasks

Solve the following problems.






Practice spelling the following words.
Use the same ‘copy, copy, copy, cover word and write’ process we use in class.




Our Art lesson will focus on ‘Pop Art’ Portraits.

This style of art uses colours in different ways.

Draw a self portrait and play around with colours to see what you create.



Enjoy another traditional tale.


Remember to leave us a comment on the blog to share your learning or you can email it to us at

As teachers are back in school teaching we won’t be able to always answer comments on the blogs or reply to emails about your fantastic learning on the same day. Even though we might not respond right away please know we are seeing your work and are very proud of you so please still show us.

We look forward to seeing your work!


Miss Duncan and Miss Battams

2 thoughts on “Year 2 Home Learning Task – Thursday 18th June

  • 18th June 2020 at 11:46 am


    1. Why is he described as ‘mysterious’? He crawls in from the window shutter.
    2. Why do you think the Dreamgiver does what he does? He wants the children to have happy dreams, and make them think positive thoughts. That if you work hard, you can reach your dreams.
    3. Why do you think dreams are in eggs? The dreamgiver can crack the eggs, and place them into their stories; so the dreams come real.
    4. Why does it all happened at night? It happens at night, as the children are fast asleep and the dreamgiver is for night dreams only.
    5. What do you think happens if an egg smashes? If an smashes, the children will not be able to have there dreams.


    If you could be transported into a book, which book and why?

    I would like to be in a David Walliams book, The Beast at Buckingham Palace. David Walliams is a good writer and very good imagination.
    The beast eats me, and i meet the butlers, guard with the knife gun who are protecting the queen. I also sneak into the queens bedroom, where i sleep on her huge bed.
    It is a fiction book, so i can imagine wild things that are happening in the palace.

    What is the genre? A style that can be written on a board.


    Where, There, Nowhere, Compere, Somewhere.


    If I start at 10 and count in 5s to 60, will I say the number 46? No How do you know? Because 6 is not in the 5 times table.


    1. Dividing by 10 is the same as dividing by 5 then dividing by 2? False.
    2. Mrs Owen has some sweets. She shares them equally between 10 tables. How many sweets could each table have? 10.
    3. Cakes are sold in boxes of 10 Jack and Alex are trying to pack these cakes into boxes. Who is correct? Jack.

    • 18th June 2020 at 12:27 pm

      Well done Zion!
      I enjoy David Walliams books too.

      Miss Duncan


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