Super work this week!
Super work to all of our children below who have shared their work with us either in the comments on the daily blog posts, or by email. You have been working very hard and we are incredibly proud of you all. We hope to see you soon!
Miss Battams and Miss Duncan 🙂 X
Kaya Kiarah Callan
Harvey Kamile Elliot
Matthew Oscar Connor (Who has been working very hard in school with us)
Take a look at some of the wonderful work and photo’s that have been submitted this week.
Elliot’s nature picture, timetable for maths and writing.
Harvey’s phonics, maths and reading work.
Kiarah’s reading, map to school for Geography and her joined handwriting practice.
Oscar’s Maths scavenger hunt and reading.
Kamile’s story den, writing a story prediction and maths tasks.
Kaya’s bug hotel, fantastic maths and reading den.
Matthew’s wonderful art work, Easter story with some great stickers and bug hotel.
Matthew also had a visit from the tooth fairy this week as his front tooth fell out. You know how I feel about teeth so I’m glad Matthew’s mum was there to help.
Callan’s amazing art work, maths tasks and his neat handwriting.
Great work everyone, keep it up!
Wow! What superstars you are. x
Absolutely love all the pictures they look amazing xxx well done to all the superstars xxx Big thank you to Miss Battams and Miss Duncan for all your support and for the amazing pack that was sent home x hope you all have a lovely easter break xxx stay safe xxx Love Matthew and all his family ❤
Thank you for your kind words and support with the home learning. You have a wonderful and restful Easter break too. We will be back! Miss Battams 🙂