Thursday 14th May – Year 1

Good Morning Year 1,

It’s time to say a big well done to the children who have been working super hard at home over the past week – here are your certificates:

We are so proud of you all and we hope that we can give out even more certificates next week!

Here are today’s activities:

1. Sounds-Write Phonics




2. Reading/Writing

Handwriting practise: y w j g

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Don’t forget to put a : ) next to your neatest one!


3. Maths

Comparing Mass

Click on this link:


4. History

Why was Northampton the ideal place for shoemaking?

Northampton had a good supply of the three raw materials needed.
Cattle for the leather and oak bark (from nearby forests) and water (from the River Nene), for the tanning process.
Northampton was also within easy reach of London and other larger towns where many people needed shoes.

Draw around your favourite shoe. Write down two reasons why Northampton was ideal for shoemaking – inside the outline of your shoe!


Enjoy your activities,

Miss Simons, Mrs Brookes and Mrs Roberts : )

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