Wednesday 3rd June – Year 1

Happy Hump Day Year 1,

It’s time for a sing-song …

We love the last song from Trolls … we can’t wait to sing that one all together when we are back at school!


Here are today’s activities:

  1. Sounds-Write Phonics

  2. Reading/Writing

Let’s carry on reading some more of our new story, The Paperbag Prince;

There are lots of weird and wonderful things in the rubbish dump, but there are also lots of animals! You are going to create a list of things that you can see hiding in the dump.

Challenge: Can you use an adjective before your ‘thing’ (noun) to describe it in greater detail?


  1. Maths

What mistake has Teddy made?

Repeat Monday’s activity of using the Google number generator to generate a number between 1 and 100. Then make this number using objects – with bundles of ‘tens’ and ‘ones’. Today you are going to record your findings in a sentence, e.g. 72 has 7 tens and 2 ones.


Sending you virtual hugs,

Miss Simons, Mrs Brookes and Mrs Roberts : )

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