Wednesday 3rd June – Year 1
Happy Hump Day Year 1,
It’s time for a sing-song …
We love the last song from Trolls … we can’t wait to sing that one all together when we are back at school!
Here are today’s activities:
- Sounds-Write Phonics
- Reading/Writing
Let’s carry on reading some more of our new story, The Paperbag Prince;
There are lots of weird and wonderful things in the rubbish dump, but there are also lots of animals! You are going to create a list of things that you can see hiding in the dump.
Challenge: Can you use an adjective before your ‘thing’ (noun) to describe it in greater detail?
- Maths
What mistake has Teddy made?
Repeat Monday’s activity of using the Google number generator to generate a number between 1 and 100. Then make this number using objects – with bundles of ‘tens’ and ‘ones’. Today you are going to record your findings in a sentence, e.g. 72 has 7 tens and 2 ones.
Sending you virtual hugs,
Miss Simons, Mrs Brookes and Mrs Roberts : )