Reception Home Learning Monday 11th May

Good morning Children and Parents and Carers – did you have a nice long weeknend? I hope so.

Understanding the world and Communication and Language

Thank you for all your hard work on lifecycles last week – we loved hearing about your ideas and seeing your drawings – thank you for sharing. Today I want to show you about the lifecycle of a frog. I know you already learned about the lifecycle of a frog last week, but this is the Poison Dart Frog! It’s lifecycle is a little bit different…

Can you tell your grown up what was different? Why does the mummy frog have to work so hard?

The Poison Dart Frog lives in the Amazon Rain Forest – it is a long long way away from here – I wonder if anyone can find out where it is?

These are some pictures of the Bromeliad plant (you say it like this: bro-mee-lee-ad) – they are quite beautiful.


This week we will be continuing and extending the maths we began last week. We understand that all children progress at a different rate so we will give two different activities this week. If your child found the shop maths challenging last week then please try activity A, if your child was secure in their problem solving in the shop then try activity B.


I am visiting the shop again – these are the things I am going to buy:


4p               5p               7p                  3p              2p

In the morning I bought an apple and an orange, how much did I spend?

At lunch time I bought a cupcake and 2 sweets, how much did I spend?

In the afternoon I bought grapes an orange and a cupcake, how much did I spend?


If your child finds the above easy, please extend their learning by getting them to calculate how much change they have if they paid with a 20p.

Also, if we were in school we would start counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s.  This is not just the case of learning their timetables by rote but also applying the skill.  So today, lets start with 2s.  Could you get lots of pairs of socks and get your child to put them in pairs and then count how many socks there are – start with say 3 pairs.  So instead of counting 1,2,3,4,5,6 they will count 2, 4, 6.  Do this with more pairs of socks.  If they get this you can try 5s tomorrow using gloves.  This time with single gloves and they will count the number of fingers/thumbs.  They can start buy counting all – 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 15 and then counting up in 5s 5,10,15.  Please don’t worry about these extension activities unless they can do the shopping activity above.


A –

Write the words and underline the sounds ll, ss, zz and ff – till, buzz, kiss, huff. Write each word 3 times, thinking carefully about the letters as you write – where do they start – are they tall or small? Are they a tail letter?

Dictate: The frog is up in the long grass.

Read: I can hop –

B –

Write the words and underline the different “ee” sounds – ee, y, ea – need,  happy, belly, family, agree, meat, defeat. Write each word carefully, thinking about the letters as you write – where do they start – are they tall or small? Are they a tail letter?

Dictate: In the rain the dart frog lays eggs on a leaf.

Read: Nok can fix it –

C –

Write the words and underline the different “igh” sounds – igh, ie and y – night, pie, fly, slight, sky, highlight, by, tried. Write each word carefully, thinking about the letters as you write – where do they start – are they tall or small? Are they a tail letter?

Dictate: High up in the trees the mummy frog feeds the froglets. They eat the food and they grow until they are frogs.

Read: The Big Match –

Understanding the world

Seed update!

The seeds have started to germinate – that means that they have started to grow shoots – some have leaves on now and are getting quite big, though not all have come through yet. Can you see on some of them the seed is still there? It will stay there until the tiny plant is big enough to push it off!



I am looking after them very carefully and can’t wait to give them to you!

and look how big Mrs Tucker’s robin chicks are now!

Have a fantastic day everyone and let us know how you get on – on here or Tapestry 🙂







2 thoughts on “Reception Home Learning Monday 11th May

  • 11th May 2020 at 11:20 am

    Zanti really enjoyed looking at a map, we saw that the Amazon rainforest was in Brazil, and that it is much bigger than the UK

    She was also very excited to see the robins “their feathers are all fluffy! Look how big they are now now, they might fly soon”

    • 11th May 2020 at 11:49 am

      Zanti I knew you would find it 🙂 yes you are right! I was amazed by the robins too – very fluffy!


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