Fairies in Reception
This week we came into school to find two tiny doors in our classrooms. Over the week we discovered that some fairies had taken residence in our school. Although we didn’t get to see them (they were so shy) they did write tiny notes to the children who wrote to them. The children learnt the words conjure and potion and we practiced rhyming when we read Freddie and the Fairy. The children all wrote out the instructions to make a potion before doing so (that is what they brought home yesterday!) Finally in maths we learnt about sharing fairly when we shared the sticks, flowers, pine cones and leaves and that sometimes if there was one ‘left over’ you could half it but that at other times it just needed to be left out.
Next week is Science Week.
The excitement from the children when they received notes back from the fairies was wonderful to watch and I thoroughly enjoyed making the potions with the children and supporting them with their writing.