Tuesday 28th April – Year 5
Good morning everyone – are you ready to learn?
Read the following text about Manchester and answer the questions.
Manchester’s history begins with the Romans who settled here around 79AD and stayed for the next three centuries. Historical records show that by 1322 there was already a textile industry in place and by 1600 cotton was being imported, fuelling Manchester’s growth.
By the time of the Industrial Revolution, Manchester had established itself as a major influence in the cotton industry and was well on its way to becoming one of the world’s great industrial cities. The city’s achievements were so great that in 1844 Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli declared Manchester to be as great a city as Athens.
After the boom years, the city fell on hard times and entered a period of economic decline during the 1960s and 70s. On the verge of full recovery, Manchester suffered a further setback when the IRA detonated a devastating bomb that ripped through the heart of the city centre in 1996.
This, however, turned out to be the start of the city’s rebirth and huge sums of money were pumped into rebuilding the city centre, kick-starting a wave of citywide development and regeneration projects. Manchester grew from strength to strength and went on to host the Commonwealth Games in 2002.
The momentum of Manchester’s growth continues today with urban regeneration schemes seemingly underway around every corner. But, as with all great cities, it is the people who really make the place special and Mancunians have a reputation for their warmth and openness.
Answer in complete sentences:
1. Who settled in Manchester in 79AD?
2. Which industry fuelled Manchester’s growth?
3. Which city did Benjamin Disraeli compare Manchester to?
4. Who was responsible for the devastating bomb which ripped through the heart of the city?
5. What event took place in Manchester in 2002?
6. What name is given to the citizens of Manchester?
Last week we read about the Olympics. Do some more research and share 5 facts with the class.
Take care,
Mrs Millard, Mrs Leeming and Mrs Munro XXX
Good Morning,
Here’s my English,
1. The Romans settled in Manchester in 79AD.
2.The industry that fulled in Manchesters growth was the textile industry.
3.Benjamin Disraeli compared Manchester to was the Athens city.
4.The person that was responsible for the bombs was the IRA.
5.The event that took place in 2002 was the commonwelth games.
6.Mancunians was the name given to the citizens in Manchester.
Hi Lydia,
Good to see your blog – as always!
Great answers – well done!
Mrs Millard XX
The Olympic games began over 2700 years ago in Olympia.
Around 50,000 people went to watch and compete.
The ancient games was a religious festival.
They didn’t have medals just a wreath of leaves and a hero’s welcome back home.
They competed for the glory of their city and if they win they believed they were touched by god.
Lovely facts – well done.
When you use the word ‘they’ in your final sentences, make it clear to your reader who ‘they’ is. I know, but someone else reading may not know.
Mrs Millard XX
Morning Mrs Milliard,
This is my English for today,
1.The people that settled in Manchester in 79AD is the Romans that stayed they for 3 centuries.
2. The historical records show that by 1322 they had 1600 cotton being imported.
3.Benjamin Disraeli compared Manchester to this place called Athens.
4.The people was responsible for the bombing in 1996 was the Irish Republican Army[IRA]
5. In 2002 they had the commonweath games.
6.The name that Manchester’s citizens are Mancunians .
Thank you Jessica – a good response, as always!
Check you answer to question 2 – have you actually answered the question?
Well done for using brackets.
Mrs Millard XX
English: 1.The Romans settled in Manchester in 79AD. 2.The textile industry was the industry that fuelled Manchester. 3. Benjamin compared Manchester to the Athens. 4.The IRA were responsible for the devastating bomb. 5. In 2002 the Commonwealth games took place. 6.Mancunians was the name that people in Manchester got given.
Well done Dhanshri – great answers!
Mrs Millard XX
What does this mean Leon?
I hope you are keeping well.
Mrs Millard XX
The Roman settled in Manchester in 79AD
The cotton industry fuelled Manchesters growth
Manchester was compared to be as great as the city as Athens.
The IRA bombed the city in 1966
In 2002 Manchester for the Commonwealth Games
The citizens of the Manchester were called Mancunians
Well done Simar – good answers!
Check your fifth sentence – does it make sense? Also, don’t forget to use full stops!
Mrs Millard XX
1)The Romans settled in Manchester In 79AD.
2)Textile is the industry that fuelled Manchester’s growth .
3)Benjamin compared Manchester to Athens .
4) The IRA was responsible for the bombing .
5)The Commonwealth games started in 2002.
6) They call them Mancunians .
1. The largest number is 2000 and the smallest number is 6 .
2. 196
3. 16
4. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16
6. 196
The queen is pritey old and she is the the nice perison but hur wife is grupey
Was this the task that you were set Leon?
In 79 AD Romans settled in Manchester and stayed for the next 3 centuries.
The industry fueling Manchester’s growth was cotton.
Benjamin compared Manchester to the city Athens.
The IRA was responsible for the devastating bomb ripping the cities heart.
The Commonwealth games was the important event in 2002.
The people of Manchester were called Mancunians.
Good answers Aamirat – well done!
Mrs Millard XX
MATHS: 1.The biggest number you can make is 9621 and the smallest number you can make is 1269. 2.196 is the closest to 200. 3. I can make 24 numbers :-1269,1296,1629,1696,1926,1962,2169,2196,2619,2691,2916,2961,6129,6192,6219,6291, 6912,6921,9126,9162,9216,9261,9612 and 9621 this is Q3 -Q4. 5. 61+29=90.
Good answers Dhanshri – well done.
Is there another possible answer for question 5?
Did you try question 6?
Mrs Millard XX
You can also do 69+21.
Well spotted!
Mrs Millard XX
a) 9621
b) 1269
2) 216
3) 24
5) 21 add 69 equals 90
Thank you Simar.
Check your answer to question 2 – can you get closer to 200?
Is there another possible answer to question 5?
Did you try question 6?
Mrs Millard XX
Thank you Aamirat.
Did you try all of the questions?
If you number the questions, it’s easier to respond to.
Mrs Millard XX
I tried the questions but i didnt write them in full sentences
I can’t see questions 5 and 6??
Mrs Millard XX
Hello Mrs Milliard,
This is is my history for today,
these are my 5 facts about the Olympic Games,
Most gold medals are made out of silver.
Only three modern Olympic games have been cancelled.
Least one of the Olympic rings colours appears in every flag.
Athletes in ancient Olympic games competed naked.
the youngest Olympian is at the age of 10 years old .
Some great facts Jessica – well done.
You could up-level your sentences by adding more information. When did the 3 games get cancelled and why? Why did athletes compete naked?
Mrs Millard XX
1 most golden medals are made out of silver.
2 the Olympic torch relay is not an ancient tradition .
3 only 3 modern Olympic games have been cancelled.
4 at least one of the rings colour appear in every national flag
5 only 5 countries have been represented at every modern-era
summer Olympic games.
Thanks for this Dan.
Why don’t your sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop though? We still need standards on the blog!!
Mrs Millard XX
Sorry accidentally posted the first half of the maths of the queens birthday.
Thank you. Is there more than one possible answer to question 5?
Mrs Millard XX
29+ 61
What about 69 + 21??
Mrs Millard XX
The Olympics started over 3300 years ago
It’s the worlds most pre-eminent sporting competition
It’s the worlds most pre-eminent sporting competition
No Olympic games played during the world wars
The Olympic symbol represents the continent is not including Antarctica with the Americas together
In 1924 ,The Winter Olympics started
Thank you Simar.
Why don’t your sentences end with full stops though? That’s not like you!!
What does ‘pre-eminent mean?
Try to add extra information to your writing – Why weren’t the Olympics played during the wars?
Does your penultimate sentence make sense?
Mrs Millard XX
The Olympic games began 2700 years ago in Olympia.In 1924 the first winter games were held.London holds the record of being the only city to have hosted the event three times 1908 1948 and 2012.In 1916 1940 or 1944 there where no games because the world wars.Originally, all wars in the region had to have a ceasefire during the Games and they were held to honor Zeus
Thank you Aamirat – great facts.
Mrs Millard XX
History : the 5 rings signify the 5 major regions.In 1936 Berlin olympics was the first olympics to be on television.In Greek times the participants were rich.The champions were called equal of the gods in Greece.Married woman were not allowed to watch the game in Greece.
Thank you Dhanshri – great facts.
Think about adding extra information to your facts – Why weren’t married women allowed to watch the games?
Mrs Millard XX
1. 9621 is the biggest number
2. 1269 is the smallest number
3. 1926, 1962, 1692, 1629, 1269, 1296, 2916, 2961, 2691, 2619, 2169, 2196, 6192, 6291, 6129, 6219, 9126, 9162, 9219, 9621, 9261, 9216
4. 1269, 1296, 1629, 1692, 1926, 1962, 2169, 2196, 2619, 2691, 2916, 2961, 6129, 6192, 6219, 6291, 9126, 9162, 9216, 9219, 9261
5. 69 + 21 = 90
6. 169, 192, 196, 216, 219
Sorry the answer to question 2 was 196.
Well done Lydia – you are the only person so far to answer question 6!
Is there more than one possible answer to question 5?
There’s one more answer to question 6 – can you find it?
Mrs Millard XX