Some absolutely super work this week Year 5! I am so proud of how you have dealt with all the changes and uncertainty and continued with your learning. It has been a long time since we were last in school together but you have all showed great maturity and taken responsibility for your learning. WELL DONE!
Please find your name below to download your certificate. Please let me know if I have mistakenly missed anyone out!
Aamirat Alex Cyran Dan Dhanshri Evie Gracie Jessica Logan Lydia Mason Sadia Tanisa Zain
The following people have an extra certificate for responding well to my questions on the blog:
And finally – our ‘Star of the Week’. Well done Tanisa for not only completing EVERY task this week but for also completing extra work at home over the half-term holiday. Well done!
Tanisa 5th June – star of week
Keep up the good work!
Mrs Millard XX
Thank you miss.
You are very welcome – keep up the hard work. There’s more certificates to come!
Mrs Millard XX
Thank you mrs 🥰
You’re very welcome Sadia – keep up the hard work. There’s more certificates to come!
Mrs Millard XX
You’re very welcome Evie – keep up the hard work. There’s more certificates to come!
Mrs Millard XX
Thank you Mrs 😄
You’re very welcome Dhanshri – keep up the hard work. There’s more certificates to come!
Mrs Millard XX
Thank you miss
You’re very welcome Alex – keep up the hard work. There’s more certificates to come!
Mrs Millard XX
Thanks miss 😀
You’re very welcome Zain – keep up the hard work. There’s more certificates to come!
Mrs Millard XX
Thank you miss millard yesterday was my mums bday
Thank you Mrs Millard xx