Monday 23rd March – Year 1

Hello Year 1,

We hope that you’ve had a brilliant weekend and have been spending some quality time with your families!
Today is the first day of our home learning experience! Hopefully you have got your home learning packs to keep you busy and we will be posting daily activities for you to complete whilst you are at home.

Here is a timetable of some of the things that we will be doing this week:

Here are your first set of activities …

  1. Phonics Play
    Can you find anything around your house that has the /er/ sound in it?
    Your adult could challenge you to ‘say the sounds and write the word’; in your books, or on paper?

  2. Sounds-Write Phonics
    Mrs Roberts/Brookes, Miss Simons and Mrs Sargent’s groups:
    /ue/ <ue>
    all previously learnt sounds.
    Read the words: argue cruel duel fuel use statue true blue
    Write the words: due value clue tissue
    Sound Swap: pen plen plin flin flint frint trint print crint
    Dictation: It was cruel to play with a blue ball.

    Mrs Jones’ group:
    /ie/ <i-e>
    all previously learnt sounds.
    Read the words: tide glide pride white invite inside prize
    Write the words: invite inside prizes slide
    Sound Swap: pen plen plin flin flint frint trint print crint
    Dictation: The tide was white and huge as it went inside the boat.

  3. Maths
    Collect 10 things from around your house. This could be anything (teddies, spoons, pencils, ect.)
    Sit with a partner and halve the objects between you.
    Record this in your book or on a piece of paper.
    Challenge: Can you write it in a sentence? Half of __ is __ . Can you record it in pictures?
    Now collect a different number of objects and record your findings.
    Do this as many times as you can and see whether you notice any patterns!
  4. Reading/Writing
    Read this piece of non-fiction text about Lighthouses:

    Create your own fact-file all about lighthouses! You can design this in any way you would like!
  5. Art
    Make a picture/drawing/painting of a lighthouse. Look at the features and discuss them with an adult.

Enjoy your activities and please send us pictures and comments to keep us updated!

Miss Simons, Mrs Brookes and Mrs Roberts X

2 thoughts on “Monday 23rd March – Year 1

  • 24th March 2020 at 6:23 pm

    Nyla has done this today and has drawn a light house. not sure how I can add a photo. Nyla and her sister enjoyed going around the house to find things with er in them.

    • 24th March 2020 at 8:56 pm

      Well done Nyla-Rose! This sounds fantastic! I would love to see the picture … you can email me at!
      Keep up the fab work!
      Miss Simons 🙂


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