Pre-school Home Learning Wednesday 24th February
Hello everyone,
How are you today? Can anyone remember what day it is today? Here is the link to our zoom registration:
We look forward to seeing you at 11am.
Home Learning
Mrs Henderson is here today with a listening game. She is going to play some animal sounds. You need to work out if these are jungle animal sounds or sounds of animals that we find on the farm.
Today we are exploring the number 5, how many ways can you make 5? Watch Mrs Crane making 5 and then it will be your turn to make 5.
Speech and Language
Join in with Mrs Webb singing Down in the Jungle. Mrs Webb sings about a great big gorilla and a tiny little mouse washing their clothes. What other animals could we add into our song? Have a think and let us know on Tapestry and Mrs Webb can make a video singing Down in the Jungle with the animals you suggested.
Today Mrs Allen would like you to practise this Yeti dance. The Yeti is from the film Smallfoot. Watch Mrs Allen’s video first to explain and then watch the video after. We look forward to seeing your Yeti dance on Tapestry.
Story Time
Today Mrs Tucker is reading a story called We’re going on a Lion Hunt. The animals that Mrs Henderson was using in her guessing game can be found in this story.
Well preschool children what a busy day it has been! We can see you are all working really hard especially those of you posting up on Tapestry, it really is lovely to see!
Keep working as hard as you have been, you should feel very proud of yourselves!
The Preschool Team