Pre-school Home Learning Friday 12th February

Hello everyone,

We hope you have enjoyed your week completing the activities we have set on the blog for you!

Here is the zoom link for todays registration at 11am.

Home Learning


Have you got your listening ears on today? Play the video, listen to the sound that is being made and see if you can work out what it is? The first sound you will hear is one of Mrs Webb’s favourite and it makes her smile!


Today Mrs Crane has some maths challenges. Can you find an amount or make a shape with things that you can find at home or while you are out on a walk?




Speech and Language

Mrs Allen is here today playing in the snow! Watch the video and see what warm things are hidden in the snow to keep us warm!


For todays physical activity you will need to move your whole body and you will need to use your listening ears. Mrs Allen will explain all in the video so you know what you need to do.

Story Time

Yesterday, Mrs Webb read a story all about a Penguin called Bo. Bo felt lonely but then his little sister arrived. Today is the next story about the adventures of Bo and his little sister, Layla.

We would just like to say a very big Well Done to all of you children who have been busy at home completing the activities on the blog! We have loved seeing all your videos and photos on Tapestry, they make us smile a lot! Next week is half term so please enjoy your week and make sure you get up to lots of fun as well as having a well deserved rest

A big thank you to parents also! We are very lucky to have such supportive parents. It has been a tricky term and we appreciate all that you have been doing juggling home schooling and work.  Hopefully soon we can get back into preschool and resume normality. Take care of yourselves!

The Preschool Team

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