Year 5- Tuesday 9th February

Good morning year 5!

Remember the class email address is

Morning task


Here’s a video going over line graphs.   Have a watch,  pause and replay as much as you need.

Gaining confidence

Something to think about

Challenge yourself


Create a line graph of your own.

You could use our Science evaporation investigation (if you’re not already doing a line graph),  measure how long it takes a bath to fill up (time vs height) or you could use this data about the height of sunflowers.

English- (90 minutes)

Now we know how the story ends (if you missed the zoom yesterday have a look at my video lesson)

Let’s find out about Puck’s final speech.

Task 1- Read

Task 2-

Who is Puck talking to?

What does he mean by “lend me your hands”?

What does he think might comfort the audience if they’ve been upset by the play?

Do you like his speech?  Why/ why not?

Why do you think Shakespeare included it?

What do you notice about this text


Science- 90 minutes- we do have a zoom at 2.00 

Today is about having some fun with Science and checking you remember everything we have covered this term.

So if there is any of these things you are unsure of,  have a watch and try a quiz.



Irreversible changes (chemical changes)


Conductors and Insulators




Translucent/ Transparent/ Opaque/ Shadows


Today’s experiment will be  to try and grown our own crystals.

How can you tell the difference between sugar and salt crystals? They’re both crystals and they look very similar—they are both small, white-colored grains. Of course if you tasted each of them, you would know right away which one was salt and which was sugar because they taste very different. In this project you will find out how to tell sugar and salt apart just by looking at them!

What You Need:

What You Do:

  1. Put a teaspoon of salt on one sheet of black paper and a teaspoon of sugar on the other.
  2. Use your fingers to spread the grains apart a little so you can see them better. Now look closely at the grains on each sheet of paper and compare how they look. Do you notice any differences between the two?
  3. Now use your magnifying glass to look up close at a few grains of the salt. What shape are they? Are they all about the same shape? Draw their shape in the correct spot on the worksheet.
  4. Now take a look up close at a few grains of the sugar. What shape are they? Are they a different shape from the salt crystals? Do you notice anything else that makes them look different from the salt? Draw their shape on the worksheet.

What Happened:

salt and sugar crystals have different shapesSugar and salt grains are actually tiny crystals. Can you tell if the picture to the left is salt or sugar? It’s sugar!

If you were to make a saturated solution of salt and one of sugar, you would be able to see them grow into much larger crystals, but they would always have the same shape as these tiny crystals do! The salt crystals are cube shaped (like dice) and have six sides. The sugar crystals are very rough looking and are shaped more like rectangles with pointed ends.

Most of the crystals are the same shape and size and look very similar to each other, but you probably saw a few crystals on your paper that looked a little different. Those crystals probably had pieces broken off of them, or there might even be more than one crystal stuck together, making them look different from the others. Also, the coloring of the crystals is a little different. Sugar crystals look very clear and sparkly while salt is duller and looks more white-colored or frosted.

Rock Candy Sticks

Get ready to watch some cool crystals grow! And when you’re done, you can eat them or give them away as Christmas gifts! Click here to download a rock candy crystals printable.

What You Need:

  • 1 1/2 cups of white sugar
  • 1 cup of water
  • Small plate
  • A spoon
  • A glass
  • Wax paper
  • Saucepan
  • Stove
  • Several 250 ml beakers or small clean jars
  • Cake pop sticks or wooden skewers
  • Food coloring pack (optional)
  • An adult to help you

Note: You can make Rock Candy without sticks. Use a piece of clean cotton string or thread. Follow steps 2-7 below then dip the string into the solution so that half of the string is coated. Take the string out and let it dry. Once the string has dried, tie the clean end around a pencil and put the dipped end back into the glass of sugar water solution, balancing the pencil across the rim of the glass. Make sure the string does not touch the bottom or the sides of the glass, or your crystals will not form right! When your piece of “rock candy” is as big as you want it to be (about one week), take it out of the glass, let it dry, and enjoy!

  1. Fill a glass with water, pour some sugar on a small plate, and lay out a sheet of waxed paper. Dip one end of each stick (cut pointed ends off if you use skewers) into the water and then roll it in the sugar, tapping it gently to remove excess. Set each stick to dry on the waxed paper.
  2. Pour the cup of water into the saucepan and add 1/2 cup sugar. Stir it well until no more sugar will dissolve. Add more sugar (1/2 cup at a time) until you can’t get any more to dissolve even after stirring for several minutes. You should end up with about 1 1/2 cups sugar dissolved in the saucepan. It’s OK if there is some undissolved sugar at the bottom of the pan. (You now have a saturated sugar solution.)
  3. Ask an adult to help you heat the sugar mixture on the stove until it boils, stirring the whole time. Turn the heat to medium-low and keep stirring until all the sugar dissolves. (Now you have made a supersaturated solution!)Remove metal clips
  4. Keep cooking the liquid and stirring it until it becomes clear, but not for more than 5 minutes, or it will get too hot and turn into hard candy! Turn off the stove as soon as it starts to look clear.
  5. Move the pan off the heat and allow it to cool down until the pan is no longer hot (the sugar solution will still be slightly warm).Remove metal clips
  6. Have an adult slowly pour the thick sugar solution into the jars. Fill each about 2/3 full, or enough so that sugar solution will cover several inches of your sugar-coated sticks.
  7. Add 5-6 drops of food coloring to each jar and stir. (Optional: Only do this step if you want to make different colors of rock candy!)Remove metal clips
  8. Once the solution is cool and the sugar-coated sticks are completely dry, place several sticks into each jar.Remove metal clips
  9. Carefully move the jars to a place where they won’t be disturbed. Check them every other day and gently stir the sticks around in the sugar solution to break up any large crystals forming on the surface.Remove metal clips
  10. Within a few days, you should start to see crystals growing on the sticks. After about one week, you will probably have a lot of crystals. When your “rock candy” crystals are as big as you want them to be, take them out of the jars and set each color of candy in a clean glass to dry.Remove metal clips
  11. Once they are dry, you can wrap in cellophane food wrap and tie with ribbon for a sweet Christmas gift!

What Happened:

In step two you made a saturated solution—there was so much sugar in the water that it couldn’t dissolve any more sugar and some was left in the bottom of the pan. Once the saturated solution started to heat up, the water was able to dissolve even more sugar and a supersaturated solution was formed in step three. Then, as the solution cooled, the sugar molecules in it started to join with the sugar molecules on the sticks. The sugar on the sticks are called “seed” molecules and the sugar molecules in the solution attached themselves to the seed molecules.

Meanwhile, the water in the solution started to evaporate or dry up into the air, leaving only sugar molecules behind. More sugar molecules gradually joined with the ones already on the stick, forming larger crystals. Because all of the solute molecules are the same (they are all sugar), they all form the same shape of crystals and they all stick together, making a big chunk of sugar crystals that are pretty to look at and tasty to eat!

Note that this is a special science project that is safe to eat because you only used food products, not chemicals. Plus, you used clean dishes from your kitchen. Never eat any experiment unless it is made entirely out of food and you only used clean dishes to prepare it!

Spellings- 15 minutes

 hindrance  governance    nuisance relevance

Can you find out what each of these words mean?

Put them into a sentence.

Practise each 3 times.

Safer internet day

We all know the internet can be really useful for finding things out,  sharing information and watching videos.  But it can also be inaccurate and even dangerous.   Try some of these activities with your families to become an internet detective.

61 thoughts on “Year 5- Tuesday 9th February

  • 9th February 2021 at 9:07 am

    1. 2007
    2. 2011 & 2012
    3. 35
    4. 15 to 185
    5. 2020 & 2020

    • 9th February 2021 at 12:57 pm

      Hi Kiran. So for question 4, is that a subtraction?
      Can you check question 5?

  • 9th February 2021 at 9:33 am

    1. Maybe Demetrius probaly not Oberon
    2. to be friends
    3. we have but slept here? maybe
    4. yes it’s a nice speech
    5. because it’s a pretty powerful speech and it’s a really nice speech
    6. there’s some words which you wouldn’t normally use in everyday speech

    • 9th February 2021 at 11:34 am

      Hi Kiran,
      I think he’s actually talking to the audience. He’s almost come out of the play and is talking to us as people about the play.
      He could want to be friends, but he might also want a round of applause from our hands?

  • 9th February 2021 at 9:51 am

    Morning task
    1)the missing number is 1,223-815=412
    4)47x 4=188

    • 9th February 2021 at 11:32 am

      Hi Kristers,
      THe first calculation looks like a subtraction, but because it’s a missing number problem that means we need to use the inverse. So we’re actually adding.

  • 9th February 2021 at 10:00 am


    hindrance a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone
    governance the action or manner of governing a state, organization,
    nuisance something (as an act, object, or practice) that invades or interferes with another’s rights or interests (as the use or enjoyment of property) by being offensive, annoying, dangerous, obstructive, or unhealthful.
    relevance the quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate.

    • 9th February 2021 at 11:31 am

      Brilliant Alex

  • 9th February 2021 at 10:04 am

    1. 2007
    2. 2011 ad 2012
    3. 40cm
    4. 163cm
    5. 2012 and 2017

    • 9th February 2021 at 11:30 am

      Great work George

  • 9th February 2021 at 10:11 am

    Challenge Yourself
    1) a) Around 8kg and 750g b) 3kg and 225g
    2) a) 46m b) 55 seconds
    3) a) It was warmer by 7 degrees Celcuis b) -2 degrees Celcius

    • 9th February 2021 at 11:29 am

      Great work Franek

  • 9th February 2021 at 10:17 am

    you got the tree in 2007.
    2017 and 2018 or 2018 and 2019.
    the tree was 20cm shorter in2018 than 2017.
    the tree has grown 160cm from 2007 to 2020.

    • 9th February 2021 at 11:28 am

      Excellent work Michael

  • 9th February 2021 at 10:17 am

    Maths Gaining confidence


    2.=2010 2011


    4.=I don’t know

    5.=2007 2020

    • 9th February 2021 at 11:26 am

      Hi Mia, for question 3, if you see how tall the tree is now, and how tall it was in 2007 and then do a subtraction that will tell you how much it has grown.

  • 9th February 2021 at 10:18 am

    Hi I have done my maths almost done my English

  • 9th February 2021 at 10:21 am

    You got it in 2007
    In between 2010 and 2011
    2015 and 2016

    • 9th February 2021 at 11:25 am

      Excellent Max!

  • 9th February 2021 at 10:24 am

    2) Puck is talking to the Audience
    I think he means “Let me use you” or something like that
    What might comfort them if they were upset because of the play is that it ends happily and that everyone is happy
    I like it because it is like a conclusion but in a poem and it informs everyone what happens after the play ends
    I don’t think Shakespeare didn’t include it ecause poems don’t have conclusions
    It all rhymes except one pair

    • 9th February 2021 at 11:24 am

      Excellent Franek. Why do you think that one pair doesn’t rhyme? Does it make you notice that pair?
      I think you’re right about the hands, I think Puck is asking for applause from the audience. He wants them to use their hands.

  • 9th February 2021 at 10:42 am

    The audience
    He means do a round of applause because we have finish the play
    He says it is all a dream so don’t worry
    No because it is a bit weird
    To say it is ok to be sad and if you are we can help
    There is a capital’s letter at the beginning of every line

    • 9th February 2021 at 11:20 am

      Fantastic Max.
      You’ve understood this scene really well.
      It is a bit weird- but this Is a play with fairies and magic and actors being transformed into donkeys. It is all a bit weird.

  • 9th February 2021 at 10:46 am

    The fox was a nuisance
    The fox was a nuisance
    The fox was a nuisance

    • 9th February 2021 at 11:18 am

      Well done Max

  • 9th February 2021 at 10:50 am

    Done my maths and English and sceience

    • 9th February 2021 at 11:16 am

      Thanks Georgie, mum has sent some pictures. Don’t forget the zoom at 2pm.

  • 9th February 2021 at 10:51 am

    Who is Puck talking to? The audience

    What does he mean by “lend me your hands”? Give me your hand.

    What does he think might comfort the audience if they’ve been upset by the play? We will mend as I am honest

    Do you like his speech?  Why/ why not? Yes because it’s calm,quiet and serious.

    Why do you think Shakespeare included it? Because Puck is being honest and sorry.

    What do you notice about this text? Puck is talking to the audience, not to one person.

    • 9th February 2021 at 11:16 am

      Hi Cody. Great answers.
      I’m wondering if he is asking the audience to clap, when he says lend me your hands.
      You’re right he is talking to the audience, but I think it might rhyme too…? Is there any other patterns?

      • 9th February 2021 at 12:17 pm

        Gaining confidence


        • 9th February 2021 at 12:44 pm

          Hi Saheera,
          1- yes
          2- it grew slowly between 2010 and 2011, but if you look it goes completely flat between 2011 and 2012
          3- Look at the height in 2018 and in 2017. Do a subtraction
          4- Yes 180- 15 would be?
          5- look at the lines and see where it is slanted upwards the most steeply.

  • 9th February 2021 at 11:18 am

    task 1
    task 2
    1. The boys
    2. Give me your hands
    3. if its a happy ending
    4. Yes because it ryhmes
    5. Because it was a cliff hanger
    6. it ryhmes

    • 9th February 2021 at 12:51 pm

      It does rhyme George well done.
      When he says give me your hands, he could be asking him to join with him, or I think, he is asking them to clap their hands for the actors.

  • 9th February 2021 at 11:29 am


    1 -2007
    2 -2017 and 2018
    3 -32cm
    4 -165cm
    5 -2014 – 2016

    1 -50 degrees
    2 -3 minutes
    3 -5 degrees
    4 -2 degrees
    5 -about 5 minutes
    6 -40 degrees

    1- 8.5kg
    2- 3.3kg I think

    1 -46m
    2 -55 seconds

    1 -7 degrees more
    2 – -1 degrees

    • 9th February 2021 at 12:48 pm

      Hi Cody, 3 levels again!
      double check the last question for me.

  • 9th February 2021 at 11:34 am

    i was blocked by a hindrance. hindrance hindrance hindrance
    i governanced a building. governance governance governance
    this is a nuisance. nuisance nuisance nuisance
    this is relevent. relevace relevace relevace

    • 9th February 2021 at 12:45 pm

      Great work George

  • 9th February 2021 at 11:52 am

    It is between 2010 2012
    It is 2017

    Challenge yourself

    Hold hands
    He will make the play better
    Yes cause he is saying sorry for what he had done in the play
    To make it feel like Puck is actually talking to you

    • 9th February 2021 at 12:45 pm

      Hi Jayden,
      he could be asking them to hold hands, but as it’s a play I wonder if he is asking them to clap their hands?

  • 9th February 2021 at 12:27 pm


    Gaining confidence
    A) 2007
    B) 2011 and 2012
    C) 32 cm 170-138=32
    D) 164 cm
    E) 2017 and 2016

    Somethng to think about

    A) 50 degrees
    B) 3 minutes.
    C) 5 degrees
    D) 2 degrees
    E) 3 and a half minutes
    F) 19 degrees

    challenge yourself

    A) 8 and a half kg
    B) 3 and a quarter kg

    A) 46 m
    B) 80 seconds – 25 seconds = 55 seconds

    A) 7 degree difference
    B) -2 degrees

    • 9th February 2021 at 12:39 pm

      Excellent work Owen, 3 levels again!

  • 9th February 2021 at 12:41 pm


    1)hindrance -A thing that provides resistance
    2)governance-The action of organising state
    3)nuisance-A person or thing causing annoyance
    4)relevance-the quality or state

    1)He was more of a hindrance than a help
    2)There was a strong governance
    3)The dog next door was being a nuisance
    4)I couldn’t see the relevance of his comment


    Task 2

    Who is Puck talking to? The audience

    What does he mean by “lend me your hands”?
    To get help from the audience
    What does he think might comfort the audience if they’ve been upset by the play?
    By him apologising to right the wrongs in the behaviour of the play
    Do you like his speech? Why/ why not?
    Yes as it closes the play well
    Why do you think Shakespeare included it?
    So the audience can understand the play better and leave happy
    What do you notice about this text?
    There is alot of rhyming


    Something to think about

    1)50 oc
    2)3 minutes
    3)5 oc
    4)2 oc
    5)2 minutes
    6)19 oc

    • 9th February 2021 at 12:57 pm

      Excellent work Finlay

  • 9th February 2021 at 1:00 pm

    Something to think about

    2)3 minutes
    5)2 minutes

    • 9th February 2021 at 2:57 pm

      Excellent work Rihanna, well done for trying something to think about level.

  • 9th February 2021 at 1:20 pm

    1. I think he is talking to him self audiance
    2. I don’t really know
    3. cheer them up?
    4. I enjoy this speech because it’s strong and i like the adjectives
    5. That’s because he thought he would turn out good and it did
    6. That it is rather unique language in my opinion about this text

    • 9th February 2021 at 2:56 pm

      Hi Alex, great work.
      I think for number 2 he might be asking them to applaud?

  • 9th February 2021 at 1:28 pm

    we dont have any black paper what shall we use instead??

    • 9th February 2021 at 2:55 pm

      Have you got any black socks or a bin bag? It doesn’t need to be black, but a dark surface will help you to see the crystals clearly.

  • 9th February 2021 at 3:31 pm


    A) Puck is talking to the audience.
    B) He means clap your hands the play is now finished.
    C) The sentence if we have upset you, think about this play and everything will be fixed.
    E) Yes as I like stories whith speech to the audience at the very end.
    F) To make a better ending.
    G) That puck could be the story teller.

    • 10th February 2021 at 8:02 am

      Great work Owen.

  • 9th February 2021 at 4:11 pm


    The strong governance made by Henry II.
    I don’t see the relevance of your question.
    There was no hindrance to a man having more than one something.
    I know it’s a nuisance for you to carry it.

    Governance, governance, governance
    Relevance, relevance, relevance
    Hinderance, hinderance, hinderance
    Nuisance, nuisance, nuisance

    • 10th February 2021 at 8:00 am

      Great work Owen

  • 9th February 2021 at 4:51 pm

    Morning task
    1) 1227
    2) 11741
    3) 41321. 41312. 41123 40723
    4) 188


    you got the tree in 2007.
    2017 and 2018 or 2018 and 2019.
    the tree was 20cm shorter in2018 than 2017.
    the tree has grown 160cm from 2007 to 2020.

    challenge yourself

    A) 8 and a half kg
    B) 3 and a quarter kg

    A) 46 m
    B) 80 seconds – 25 seconds = 55 seconds

    A) 7 degree difference
    B) -2 degrees

    I did my something to think about early er

    • 10th February 2021 at 7:59 am

      Great work Rihanna! You’ve worked really hard today.

  • 9th February 2021 at 5:31 pm

    English task 2

    1. He is talking to the

    2. He mean give me your hands.

    3. I don’t know

    4. I don’t like the speach because it is boaring.

    5. To express pucks feeling and to tell is us how Puck feels.

    6. It is very descripted.

    • 10th February 2021 at 7:59 am

      He could mean give me your hands, but I think he actually means give us (the actors) applause.

  • 9th February 2021 at 5:35 pm

    Maths work sheet improvements


    • 10th February 2021 at 7:57 am

      Yes! Thank you for checking back Mia.

  • 9th February 2021 at 5:44 pm


    Hindrance means a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone.

    governance means the action or manner of governing a state, organization

    nuisance means someone who is annoying you.

    relevance means the quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate.

    • 10th February 2021 at 7:57 am

      Well done Mia


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