Reception Home Learning – Monday 8th February

Welcome back everyone, we hope you had a wonderful weekend – did you see any fairies, elves or gnomes? They are very tiny and move very fast, you have to be quick to see them! We have another week of magic ahead and are continuing with our Midsummer’s night’s dream learning. Thank you to all of you – parents and children who are continuing to come to the zoom registers, it is so lovely to see you every morning

Here is a video for you to watch with lots of the characters we have already met…there are some questions for you to answer too!

And now on to our phonics, some of us have some new sounds this week how exciting!

Group A

Group B

Group C


This week Mrs Tucker has prepared some comprehension tasks for your reading. Comprehension is so important, we are all starting to be able to read words, but we also need to understand what they mean! Having a good vocabulary really helps us with our comprehension.


We are going to be making fairy potions this week!  The first thing you will need is a list of ingredients.


Starter Please choose session one


This week’s maths is going to focus on subtraction. For this first lesson, you will need to have 10 small things to eat – like 10 cheerios, 10 sultanas or 10 bits of apple.


Communication and Language and Understanding the World

Mrs Henderson just doesn’t stop…she has organised a scavenger hunt for you today, she is going to send you off with different challenges to find things!

Physical Development

This week we are all going to learn a fairy dance, together, and we hope that we will all be able to perform it at our Fairy picnic on Friday afternoon.  Here is the first lesson but don’t forget you can also do PE from the Jasmine site.


Mrs O’Hagan has a fairy story for you today that talks about all the fairies having to stay at home, just like we are.

Have a fantastic Monday everyone, we hope you enjoy your jobs for the day. See you on Zoom.

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