Year 2 Home Learning – Monday 1st February

Good morning Year 2!

It’s the start of another new week of home learning and we are so proud of how you have been doing so far.

We’ve seen some great work that has been emailed to us, and we’d love to see more.

Remember we have a zoom register at 10.20am every morning. It is important you log in to this on time so that we can say good morning to each other, complete an online activity as well as explaining our work for the day. A link for this has been sent to the parent email you have registered at school. Please email us at the Year 2 email address if you need a new link sending to you.
Please bring paper and a pencil/pen to the zoom register.

Our language of learning word of the week is confidence. we would like you to start thinking about what this word means to you. We will be doing some work about this on Friday.

Please remember to comment on the blog when you have completed your tasks, and to email us your completed work so we can see what you have been doing and support you if needed. Work can be emailed to
Have a great day and we will be waiting for you when we can all go back to school together!

Miss Duncan, Miss Battams and the rest of the Year 2 team.


Here is today’s home learning tasks

English – Reading

Read the text from Hermia’s diary. Whilst reading the text, you should think about how Hermia is feeling and how she feels about her dad.
You should then answer the following comprehension questions about the diary entry you have just read. Remember all of your answers should be in full sentences using the correct punctuation. Make sure your read back your answers to make sure they make sense and have the right information to answer the question.

1. Why does Hermia’s father forbid her to marry Lysander?
2. How does Hermia feel when writing this diary entry?
3. What do you infer will happen if Hermia disobeys her father?
4. Why does Hermia refuse to marry Demetrius?
5. Explain what Hermia’s dilemma is in one sentence.
6. What is Hermia scared of?


Dear Diary,

I appear to have a dilemma.

You see, I am in love with Lysander and Lysander is in love with me. However, my father says I am forbidden to marry Lysander or I will experience terrible things. If I disobey my father, then I might lose my life. However, I am not sure what father means by this exactly.

Instead, father has arranged for me to marry Demetrius. It breaks my heart that I am unable to marry Lysander. I love him so much. I am scared; I do not want to marry Demetrius. I do not want to suffer in life either. How am I going to be happy again?

I am aware that Demetrius is in love with me, but I do not feel that same way about him. Therefore, I refuse to marry Demetrius. How can I marry Demetrius if I am in love with Lysander?

I hope that my father will understand that Lysander and I are in love, and that we deserve to be married. I deserve to marry Lysander, not Demetrius.

Until next time,


Below is a video explaining the task and reading the text for you.


English – Writing

Imagine that you are Hermia. Think about how you might have felt whilst reading her diary. You need to write three sentences to explain her thoughts and feelings and why she feels this way. You should write these sentences as if you are Hermia.

For example.
I feel full of sadness that my dad is forcing me to marry a man I do not love.

You should use the following sentence openers and the word because when writing your sentences.

  1. I feel… because…
  2. I believe… because…
  3. I will… because…

We expect you to use your neatest handwriting like you would in school, and to use full stops, capital letters and clear finger spaces. Read your writing back when you have finished to check it makes sense and you really explain what you are thinking or feeling and why.

Below is a video explaining the task. Remember you can pause at any time.



Watch the videos of the phonics lesson below. The videos are split into the different sections of a phonics lesson as we would teach it in school. Remember to pause the videos to give you time to do the tasks. The words are below the videos in case you need them.


Watch the following video, completed the tasks explained and solve the following problems.


Warm up: Wiggle your fingers up high, down low, to the side and in front of you.
Stretch your fingers out like fireworks twelve times.
Can you write the following KS1 words at least four times? Remember to leave a finger space.
* eleven
* twelve
* thirteen
* fourteen
Tick your neatest formation and be proud of your handwriting.



We are going to be taking a look at why good hygiene is important. It is even more important than ever to take good care of ourselves at the moment.

Watch the instructions video to help you complete your tasks for today. The tasks are also listed below the video.

Have a think about what the word hygiene means to you and think about the things we need to do to help us stay clean and healthy. Can you write a list of all the things you can think of that we should do and that we can use to help? For example brushing our teeth with toothpaste and a toothbrush each day.

Read the text on the video, and have a go at answering these questions in full sentences trying to explain why we should do this.
1) What should we do when we cough or sneeze?
2) What do we need to do before we prepare food?
3) What should we try to do when we have eaten sweet, sugary foods?

Watch this video about the importance of washing our hands and a little experiment about why it is important.
Microbes and bacteria are living things that are too tiny to see. Many are harmless but a few can cause us to be ill and these are germs.

Your final task is to create a poster about good hygiene. What could you include to help people to remember why it is important to help us stay healthy?


PSHE – Online Safety

Look at the follow question. Discuss it with a grown up at home. What should you do?


Here is a story read by Miss Battams.

Online Reading

We have an online log in which will link to some ebooks that follow our reading scheme in school. These books will allow your child to practice their phonics skills. It is a free resource. You may need to register for a free parent account to access the books.

Follow this link to log in:
Go to Oxford Owl for Home and click on enter site.
This will give you the option to choose a book recommended for your age or you can choose a book from the colour you read at school.
These are all free to read and it would be great if you could read one to someone at home.

Remember to leave us a comment on the blog to share your learning or you can email it to me at
We look forward to seeing your work!


The Year 2 Team

One thought on “Year 2 Home Learning – Monday 1st February

  • 1st February 2021 at 11:52 am

    eleven eleven eleven
    twelve twelve twelve
    thirteen thirteen thirteen
    fourteen fourteen fourteen
    fifteen fifteen fifteen


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