Year 2 Home Learning Tasks – Wednesday 20th May
Hi Year 2
It’s Wednesday which means it’s the middle of the week. We miss you all and your smiling faces.
Here are today’s learning activities.
English – Reading
Read the following text (a post card) and answer the comprehension questions.
English – Writing
Using your ideas sheet from yesterday, complete the following plan for your letter.
Sounds – Write Phonics (Add ‘ing’ to a root word that ends with a y)
Review: Read the following Year 2 words –tried, because, cried, sugar, replied, water
Read: flapping, clapping, feeling, raining
Write: sunny-sunning sticky-sticking chatty-chatting
Dictation: A boy was chatting loudly as he was clapping
Maths – Basic Skills
Below are some quiz style (arithmetic) questions.
Maths – Tasks
Below are some quiz style (reasoning) questions.
Give reasons to your ideas. What did you do? What did you notice?
Warm up: Wiggle your fingers up high, down low, to the side and in front of you.
Stretch your fingers out like fireworks nine times.
Can you write the following Year 2 Common Exception Words joined up at least six times? Remember to leave a finger space.
* should
* could
* door
Tick your neatest formation and be proud of your handwriting.
We are going to be thinking about materials today.
Imagine you can design your own school uniform but you can only use the following materials.
What would you use and why?
Think about the properties of each material and why they would be suitable for your school uniform.
What would it look like? What materials would you use? Why did you use them?
Read a book in a different voice (e.g. silly, scared, monster)
Remember to leave us a comment on the blog to share your learning or you can email it to us at Get in touch with us via the email if you have any questions about today’s learning. We look forward to seeing your work!
Miss Duncan and Miss Battams
1. Match the name of the meal to what Mo ate for it.
Breakfast – Porridge with a banana on top.
Lunch – Jacket potato with beans.
Evening Meal – Chicken, Pasta and vegetables.
2. Why does Mo want to be the best in the race?
It is important that we work hard to keep fit so that we can be best in the race.
3. ‘ It keeps me fit’ In this sentence, what does ‘fit’ mean?
Being healthy.
4. What else might Mo do to keep his body healthy?
Exercise and eat healthy foods.
Letter Plan
Address – Lings Primary School, Hayswood Road, Lings, Northampton NN3 8NN
Dear – Mr and Mrs
Why are you writing the letter? – To let them know we have moved to Northampton safely.
What has happened and why? – Moved to Northampton.
Describe what your life has been like – Busy, Cleaning the house, helping mummy with the house setting. Shopping with mummy and daddy as well for furniture in the house.
What are looking forward to do and why? I am looking forward to my own room.
Closing sentence/question to the person the letter is to – Will keep in touch and will write soon again with update on the house.
From – Zion Foster.
Sunning, Sticking, Chatting.
47 + 50 = 97, 8 x 3 = 24, 43 – 5 = 38, A third of 12 = 4
9 + 8 = 17, 11 + 6 = 17.
64 and 58.
Fabric – Because you can wash the clothes, when they get dirty.
Well Done Zion!
Miss Duncan