Reception Home Learning – Monday 1st February

Good morning everyone

We had a great week last week learning all about the famous poet and playwright, William Shakespeare.  The books that we made, both in school and from the information and pictures sent in by the children at home, look great.  So this week we are going to start learning about the setting and some of the characters in his play – A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  This play is a comedy; we will hear that word when we learn our vocabulary but it means that if you read or watch the play you would find it funny so it would make you laugh.

This week’s Shakespearian vocabulary

The play is set in a magical forest – have a look at this clip; the dancing lights are the magical fairies dancing (parents please put it onto full screen).

Here is an introduction to how Shakespeare wrote; this is a speech from one of the fairies –

Over hill, over dale,
Thorough bush, thorough brier,
Over park, over pale,
Thorough flood, thorough fire,
I do wander everywhere,
Swifter than the moon’s sphere;
And I serve the fairy queen….

And here is a clip of an actor using these lines:

It is a little bit different to our normal stories but we will learn more about it during the week.  More of the forest later but first phonics.


As usual we will have three different phonics groups – remember you only need to do one and if your child is finding it too difficult, or cannot write the words or sentences independently, please try the one beneath it.

Phonics Group A

Phonics Group B

Phonics C

Reading for this week


Today we are going to think about the setting of A Midsummer Night’s Dream – that is where it all takes place.  Have a look at these pictures of a forest and then click on the video and answer my questions and ask your grown ups to write out the words that you think of.  Keep the words safe as we will be using them in our writing later on in the week.

Physical Development

We are going to practise scrunching up the silver foil again – remember to only use your thumb. pointy and middle finger to do this.  Tuck your two smallest fingers away.


Starter –

Please select session one which is making patterns using natural objects.


This week we are going to consolidate all our knowledge about addition by doing some fairy maths!  Today The King and Queen of the Fairies are going to help us to make ‘teen’ numbers.


We will be meeting some fairies from A Midsummer Night’s Dream this and next week so we have an array of Fairy stories for you.  Today’s is on a separate blog post because it is a look and find book with Mrs Henderson.

We hope you enjoyed your walk in the forest today and keep trying to think of new and exciting words to describe it.

The Reception Team



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