PSHE – Thursday 28th January

Today’s focus is to learn about what the dreams and goals of children from other cultures might be.

First of all, watch the clip below:

This tells you about a child growing up in different country and culture to yourself. It is about someone called Evangeline, a child living on a farm in rural Kenya. We follow her daily routine at home on the family farm in the foothills of Mount Kenya, and at school. It shows a typical day in the life of an ordinary Kenyan child.

Think about the following questions:

  • How are the lives of these children the same as yours?
  • How are the lives of these children different from yours?
  • What goals and dreams might the children in these clips have?
  • How are their goals and dreams the same/different to yours?

Your task is to write about your thoughts on the questions above.

Your should look to write at least 50 words.

You should spend 30 minutes on this.

6 thoughts on “PSHE – Thursday 28th January

  • 28th January 2021 at 10:25 am

    She is luckier than other Kenyians because she lives close to the school. They don’t have access to clean water. She works on the field before and after school. We in Lings aren’t allowed to click but they raise their hand and click so they could be asked but we just raise our hand.

  • 28th January 2021 at 10:43 am

    1. Very different in my words.
    2. Alot i wake up at 7:30 and alot more
    3. To have a better school be happy, and be rich maybe?
    4. It is pretty close with their dreams and my dreams well sometimes dreams can be close.(mostly)

  • 28th January 2021 at 11:55 am

    How are the lives of these children the same as yours? They go to school and when I used to walk to school, I met with my friend George and walked with him.

    How are the lives of these children different from yours? We have Internet and electricity. We drive to school now. I don’t have farm animals to look after and I don’t farm crops.

    What goals and dreams might the children in these clips have? They might want electricity, heating and Internet and play board games. Their dream might be to have money.

    How are their goals and dreams the same/different to yours? Different because we already have electricity and heating and tools to get our dreams.

  • 28th January 2021 at 12:03 pm

    1)How are the lives of these children the same as yours? They go to school to get education and have routine

    2)How are the lives of these children different from yours?They don’t have the technology to learn or entertain themselves like we do

    3)What goals and dreams might the children in these clips have?To get a good Education so that they can have a good Job in the future

    4)How are their goals and dreams the same/different to yours? They are the same as we both want to get good jobs in the future

  • 28th January 2021 at 12:43 pm

    1.They go to school like we normally do.
    2.They wake up earlier then i do.
    3.To have a big house when there older.
    4.I want to have a big house when im older too.

  • 28th January 2021 at 1:05 pm

    they are not the same as mine.

    they are different because they might have a different morning routine, or different food.

    they might want to be rich and have nice food.

    there goals or dreams are different to mine because not everyone has the same dream.


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