Reception Home Learning Thursday 21st January

Hello everyone

So…do you remember the day today?  It’s Thursday. Yesterday was Wednesday and tomorrow is Friday!  Now today, you are going to do some writing about the Three Little Pigs story.  First, you need to practise by doing your phonics.

Phonics Group A

Phonics Group B

Phonics Group C



Today we are going to write the Three Little Pigs story.  Like the Gingerbread Man last week, we are not worried about correct spellings – they simply have not learnt enough sounds for that.  We want to build their confidence to have a go at using their knowledge from phonics and try and write independently.  This is probably the most difficult thing that they learn in Reception.  It is actually really hard for them to remember what they want to write, let alone write it. So get them to repeat their sentence several times.  Some children will be working at word level – a word for each picture, most will be able to sound out several short sentences and some will be able to write simple sentences that make a little story.

This is how we support the children at school and some examples of their work so that you can see the different levels that we are working at.  You can see that all of the children are using their phonics knowledge to write.  Some of the children can write a little story (first picture), some are writing sentences (2nd two pictures) and some more at word level (final picture).  Children work at their own pace so work with your child and see what they can do. If it becomes a struggle, do it in several small sessions. Please can you save their writing for their writing books.


Starter – more ways to remember number bonds to 5

Main – Calculating two more and two less with Mrs O’Hagan

Physical Development

Another sock challenge for you – you have done balancing, throwing accurately and today it is throwing and catching.  Remember to throw underarm and accurately  to the other person and when catching the socks, get ready with one leg in front of the other and hands together ready to catch.

Story – Another Traditional Tale read by Mrs Whitestone.  This time the lovely story the The Elves and the Shoemaker.  The elves are so kind!

We hope that you have enjoyed today’s activities – we will see you tomorrow.

The Reception Team

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