English – Friday 15th January

Today we are going to learn about something called the iambic pentameter.

The iambic pentameter is the name given to the rhythm used by Shakespeare in his plays.

The rhythm is a heartbeat – “de-dum”. The iambic pentameter is 5 heartbeats – “de-dum, de-dum, de-dum, de-dum, de-dum”.

If you read the section of script from yesterday then you will be able to spot this rhythm within it. It is not in every line – see if you can spot the lines it is in.

There is also a video here which explains the iambic pentameter in a bit more detail and shows a group of professional actors using it in their rehearsals (they are rehearsing Romeo and Juliet but the idea is the same!).

Your task is to write your own script of the conversation between Hermia and Lysander which is written using the iambic pentameter. It can be written using everyday vocabulary or Shakespearean language – it is up to you.

Here is an example:

Hermia: I must do what my father says it right.

Lysander: A better life awaits you if you leave.

Hermia: I want to go but Theseus says no.

Good luck!

32 thoughts on “English – Friday 15th January

  • 15th January 2021 at 9:50 am

    Hermia. I must do what is right for me
    Lysander. If you leave good will come to you
    Hermia. I want to go but my heart says no.

    • 15th January 2021 at 2:44 pm

      Great try Talal.

      Lines 1 and 2 are close – 4 heartbeats instead of 5. Could you adjust them slightly?

      Line 3 is 4 and a half heartbeats! So close!

      Mr Bushell

  • 15th January 2021 at 10:00 am

    Hermia: I’m going to have a free life in the future if I leave now
    Lysander: why shall you leave?
    Hermia: because it’s my father I have to obey him
    Lysander:I’m so sorry your father is the boss of you but we are still friends whenever you leave?
    Hermia:yes I will I will remember you forever

    • 15th January 2021 at 2:42 pm

      Hello Kristers

      Good try. None of these fit the rhythm exactly but some are close. Try adjusting them so that they fit into 5 heartbeats exactly.

      Mr Bushell

  • 15th January 2021 at 10:10 am

    Hermia: the consequences await me for what my father said at Athens.
    Lyslander: but your love awaits you for we could be free.
    Hermia: I know but what if someone gets found.
    Lyslander: you don’t need to worry about that for I’v planed it.

    Look here comes Helena your best friend
    I’ll be back.

    • 15th January 2021 at 2:41 pm

      Hello Michael

      Great effort. None of the lines exactly fit the 5 heartbeats of the iambic pentameter but lines 2,3 and 5 are very close. Line 2 is 5 and a half heartbeats. Could you adjust them slightly.

      Mr Bushell

  • 15th January 2021 at 10:12 am

    i dont get the lambic pentameter

    • 15th January 2021 at 10:55 am

      Hello Madison

      It might take time but keep practising.

      It’s a rhythm – 5 heartbeats or 10 syllables (parts of words).

      Keep trying

      Mr Bushell

  • 15th January 2021 at 10:28 am

    Lysander: True love has a lot of obstacles

    Hermia: For someone to choose your love instead of you

    Lysander: If you really, truly love me,
    Then run into the woods and meet me

    Hermia: I swear to meet you there, in the woods

    Lysander: Keep your promise love and meet me there

    • 15th January 2021 at 2:38 pm

      Great effort Franek. This so nearly works.

      Each line is around 4 and a half or 5 and a half heartbeats. See if you can adjust them to fit 5 heartbeats perfectly.

      Mr Bushell

  • 15th January 2021 at 10:41 am

    Hermia: This is not the place to stay.
    Lysander: a better is away from your father
    Hermia: my father won’t say yes
    Lysander: doesn’t matter just come
    Hermia: thy will come with you tonight

    • 15th January 2021 at 10:54 am

      Good effort Kiran. I’m not sure that any lines quite follow the iambic pentameter exactly but some are close.

      See if you can adjust any lines slightly. Don’t forget that it’s five heartbeats or ten syllables (parts of words).

      Mr Bushell

  • 15th January 2021 at 10:44 am

    Lysander: you must get out away from your father.
    Hermia: I must do what my father says is right.
    Lysander: let’s run away to the forest!
    Lysander: your life with me will be better than here.
    Hermia: promise that you will wait for me, my love.

    • 15th January 2021 at 10:52 am

      Brilliant! This really works Cody. This is not easy – you have done so well.

      Keep exploring it. If you find any Shakespeare play you will find this rhythm within the words.

      The only line you need to check is the middle one which I think needs one more heartbeat!


      Mr Bushell

      • 15th January 2021 at 11:34 am

        let’s run away to the forest right now

  • 15th January 2021 at 10:44 am

    Lysander: Hello my love, don’t you agree that true love never ran well?
    Hermia: O yes I do agree.
    Lysander: Tomorrow night let’s meet at the forest and don’t tell a soul okay?
    Hermia: But my Father is obviously going to say no but I will try with Cupid’s strongest bow.
    Lysander: Ok very good Helena is coming!
    Hermia: Ok good luck bye!
    Lysander: Bye love

    • 15th January 2021 at 10:49 am

      Good script Alex. I don’t think any lines have the iambic pentameter rhythm – don’t forget that it is five heartbeats or 10 syllables (part of a word).

      See if you can make some lines fit.

      Good try though!

      Mr Bushell

  • 15th January 2021 at 10:51 am

    Lysander: Courses of love is breakable but it is strong.
    Hermia: As daughter of Egeus I can’t go whith you .
    Lysander: Don’t worry we can go into the woods.
    Hermia: I would love to but helena is coming hide.

    • 15th January 2021 at 2:36 pm

      Hello Owen

      The third line is spot on! Perfect.

      The others are close but don’t quite fit. For example, your second line is 6 heartbeats no five. Try adjusting them slightly.

      Good effort

      Mr Bushell

      • 15th January 2021 at 4:37 pm

        Lysander: Love is breakable but it is stronger.
        Hermia: Daughter of Egeus I can’t go whith you .
        Lysander: Don’t worry we can go into the woods.
        Hermia: I would but helena is coming hide.

  • 15th January 2021 at 11:43 am

    i don’t actually get it sorry

    • 15th January 2021 at 2:34 pm

      Hello Abby

      Try watching the clip again and reread the instructions.

      The rhythm is 5 heartbeats or 10 syllables (parts of words). If you had 10 words with 1 syllable each then it would fit perfectly.

      Mr Bushell

  • 15th January 2021 at 11:53 am

    Lysander: We must do what is right for us and you.
    Hermia: I will do as we said and do the oath.
    Hermia: But I will check if you don’t do the job.
    Lysander: OK, my love I will do the left job.

    • 15th January 2021 at 2:32 pm

      Hello Hargun

      Great effort! This works perfectly! Keep trying and developing this.

      Try looking for some Shakespeare scripts from his other plays. You will be able to bring up extracts of text on Google. See how many lines you can find that are written using the iambic pentameter.

      Mr Bushell

  • 15th January 2021 at 12:05 pm

    Hermia:Oh I do not know I shall love Lysander
    Lysander: Come with me dear Hermia
    Hermia: I wish I could go Lysander

    I have watched the video.

    • 15th January 2021 at 2:27 pm

      Hello Jayden

      Close! I think the top line is 5 and a half heartbeats.
      The others are about 4. Could you adjust them slightly?

      Mr Bushell

  • 15th January 2021 at 12:09 pm

    Come and stay with me Hermia

    I must do what my father says

    you can come and live with me

    I want to come but my father says no

    • 15th January 2021 at 2:26 pm

      Hello Max

      The last line is spot on – perfect! Well done.

      The others are close – most are about 4 heartbeats. Could you adjust them slightly?

      Great effort!

      Mr Bushell

  • 15th January 2021 at 1:40 pm

    Lysander: You must leave Athens to escape your father

    Hermia: No I cannot betray my father I must do what he says

    Lysander: Leave with me and runaway to the forest

    Hermia: My father will be angry and follow us

    Lysander : You will have a better life with me in the forest

    Hermia: You must wait for me

    • 15th January 2021 at 2:24 pm

      Good try Finlay. These don’t quite fit the iambic pentameter but are close. Could you tweak them slightly?

  • 15th January 2021 at 3:29 pm

    Lysander: Hermia, you should leave the athens now.
    Hermia: No, my father wont let me.
    Lysander: but you will have a bad life without me
    Hermia: I will try to tell him that i want to leave the athens.


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