Reception Home Learning Thursday 14th January

Hello Reception! It’s Thursday today, we are near the end of a busy week! We hope you have all been enjoying yourselves – we know lots of you have as we have seen you on Tapestry (which thankfully seems to be working normally now). So, on to our learning for the day…

Phonics Group A

Reading Group A


Phonics Group B

Reading Group B

Phonics Group C

Reading Group C


Today we are going to write the story of the Gingerbread man, using our knowledge of the story from our story map!

Here are some examples of work from school to give you an idea;

This is what you could do if your child is struggling to write a sentence. The first word is oven, they have used their phonetic skills to write the sounds they can hear. All of the pictures are of great pieces of work – children are developing their writing skills at different paces, so as ever, work at the level of your child. If you say the words for them slowly and emphasise each sound this will help them.

This picture would be suitable to write about for children who are more confident writing and know more sounds as the words old, woman and made are trickier to sound out – encourage them to have a go if they do the group A phonics – you may get owld, leydi/wuman meyd – any of these are fantastic!

This picture all the children should be able to have a go at.

All children should be able to have a go at this one too.

Not all children know the x sound for fox, but they could sound it out using cs – focs.


Today’s White Rose starter is here, select session number 3 –


We have our ginerbread men back again!

Physical Development

Today we are going to start practising throwing.  As I wrote on Monday, young children find it difficult to stop themselves from throwing (or kicking) balls wildly and chasing after them!  But these skills are all about control in releasing and receiving a ball.  If your child struggled with previous lessons please do not progress but stay with those.

Communication and Language

Mrs Webb has really fun game here for you! I wonder what you can find in your spyhole!

Understanding the World

Here are the results of Mrs Allen’s flower experiment!


Here is Mrs Allen reading a story about a dog called Hairy Maclary!

Have a great day everyone!




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