Reception Home Learning Wednesday 6th January

Good morning everyone! So great to see so many of you on the registers yesterday, thank you for coming. There were a couple of people there that we couldn’t see so weren’t sure who was there, you should have an option to ‘start video’ somewhere on your screen, we should then be able to see you.

If you are there and we don’t see you then and you are having trouble then please email us on

Some people had difficulties with the videos on the blog yesterday, I have checked them and they seem to be ok now, I think that it maybe due to greater demand on the blog website, if you have any problems let us know and we will look into it further. Tapestry also had a few problems yesterday but is working normally again now.

Here are the links and times again:

Hargreaves 10:30

Join Zoom Meeting

Nightingale 10:45 – (Mrs O’Hagan will be taking this time as Mrs Tucker will be in school)

Join Zoom Meeting


During isolation we were giving links to books on the Oxford Owls website, this is a fantastic resource to use and we strongly recommend registering with them for free if you didn’t last time – the link is here:

Unfortunately, the books don’t tie in well with the order that we teach the sounds, so while we recommend that you use the books with your child and read together, we won’t be setting specific books but instead giving sections of text for the children to read which are appropriate for the sounds that they have learned. These will be underneath the phonics videos everyday.


Group A

Reading for phonics group A:


Reading for group B

Group C

Reading for Phonics group C


Here is another starter from White Rose Maths, click the link and click the video for session 2.

Maths Main:

It’s part part whole! but we have gone back to basics after the two week holiday, so this is a refresher.

Literacy & Communication and Language

Little Red Riding Hood read by Mrs Cieslik in Polish and English!

Questions about the story….

Physical –

Lets shake it out again! It’s the same video as last time of Mrs O’Hagan shaking it out like we do at school!


If you want more – here is a Cosmic Yoga Dance party! It looks like great fun, give it a go! It’s great to keep active ☺

There we are – we are now back in the swing of our home learning! Have a great day everyone and do keep in touch.

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