Year 2 Home Learning – Wednesday 25th November
Home Learning – Day 1
Hi Year 2!
Here are today’s learning activities.
English – SPAG
Identify the expanded nouns in the following sentences.
- The beautiful girl had long hair. It was pulled up into a golden ponytail.
- An evil witch lived on top of a giant hill.
- The supersonic car sped quickly around the sharp turn.
- In the clean kitchen, the tidy chief was cutting the spicy peppers.
- The hungry children could not wait to eat their delicious hot dinner.
English – Writing
Look at the picture
Who is it?
What are they like?
What does they do?
Write your responses in full sentences and try to use adjective and conjunctions in your writing.
Sounds-Write Phonics –
PHONICS | Flashcards | Recap words
(Include 2 common exception words) |
New sound to be covered | Read the word –
‘say the sounds, read the word’ |
Build/Write the words
‘Say the sounds, write the word’ |
Sound swap
‘not cat ..bat’ |
Teacher say whole sentence and children repeat (my turn, your turn). |
Day 1 | Flash through all previous sounds | Tay, sloam, zued, meve | ar | Far, bar, star, scar, party, farm | Hard, shark, smart, target, March | In March the smart shark wants to go to the party on the farm. |
Maths – Basic Skills
Can you recall the number bonds to 10?
What are the different ways to make 10?
e.g. 6+4=10
Maths – Task
Watch the video and complete the tasks explained.
Warm up: Wiggle your fingers up high, down low, to the side and in front of you.
Stretch your fingers out like fireworks nine times.
Can you write the following KS1 Common Exception Words joined up at least six times? Remember to leave a finger space.
* should
* would
* could
* door
Tick your neatest formation and be proud of your handwriting.
Today’s Geography lesson is about Asia.
Use the online resources to complete the different activities.
Discuss the following question with a grown up at home.
Reading Bingo
Here are some fun reading challenges for you to complete whilst you are stuck inside!
Complete the challenges in any order that you want and colour in the box to show it has been completed. Return the completed challenges to your teacher to win a marble!
Read to an adult or a big brother or sister. | Download the BorrowBox app at:
Enjoy a new book. |
Draw a picture of your favourite book character. |
Ask an adult to help you e-mail or blog your teacher to tell them what you have been reading. | Listen to a free audiobook at: | Read a book that makes you laugh. |
Read before bedtime. | Read instructions for something e.g. a recipe. Maybe you could even make the recipe. | Read whilst eating your favourite snack. |
Read in an extreme reading place i.e. under the bed, in a cupboard etc. (Make sure you ask a parent first!) | Read a comic at:
Ask an adult to read to you. |
Talk to an adult about reading – what is your favourite book? | Watch an author’s masterclass video at:
Read after eating your breakfast. |
Good luck and enjoy reading!
Watch and enjoy. Can you join in with the actions?
Remember to leave us a comment on the blog to share your learning or you can email it to us at
We look forward to seeing your work!
Miss Duncan
1,How many counters are there in the ten frame?
2,Make the number 10
3, 8,9,10,11,12,13
who is it?
A skeleton holding a flash light that looks haunted.
what are they like?
they have grey glasses and have wings.
what does they do?
haunt people and scare people.
Write your response in a full sentences and try to use adjective and conjunctions in your writing.
the flying monster with with a Halloween stick next to him.
The nasty disgusting giant creature with round glasses looking at a phone that doesn’t belong to him.
should should should
would would would
could could could
door door door.
Well done Joshua!
You have used some fantastic expanded nouns in your writing. I like ‘disgusting giant’.
Miss Duncan
who is it? He is a old skeleton evil witch.
what are they like? He looks skinny and has wings, glasses and torch.
what does they do? he scares people.
Hi Sebastian
Well done for completing the work on the blog.
I like the adjectives ‘old’ and ‘evil’.
If you need anything please email me (
Take care,
Miss Duncan
Expanded nouns:
Beautiful girl
Long hair
Evil witch
Giant hill
Supersonic car
Sharp turn
Clean kitchen
Tidy chief
Spicy peppers
Hungry children
Delicious hot dinner
He is a forest lava creature.
He is a good creature always looking after you.
He protects you from evil people by throwing lava sack on them.
Numbers bound to 10:
Hi Kornel
Well done for using the blog at home.
I think your imagination is fantastic. I love the idea of a ‘forest lava creature’.
If you need anything just let me know. You can comment on the blog posts or email me
Take care
Miss Duncan
*the expanded nouns:
The beautiful girl ,long hair, golden ponytail.
An evil witch , giant hill
The supersonic car
the clean kitchen, the tidy chief
The hungry children
delicious hot dinner
* He is a gray insect, they are funny and terrible at the time. They fly at night and scare people.
* 5+5=10
Hi Cornelia.
It is wonderful to hear from you.
Well done for completing your home learning.
If you need anything please email me (
Take care
Miss Duncan