Reception’s learning week commencing 5th October and weekend learning

We’ve had an eventful week arriving at school on Monday to our whole setting being completely flooded!  We quickly moved our resources up to the hall and spent two days in there.  The children’s resilience (and ours!) was tested as it was not an ideal learning environment but most of them coped very well.  Thankfully we returned to class on Wednesday where normal learning was resumed.

This week we have been talking about ourselves and our families.  Because our learning was interrupted we will continue with this next week.  Many of the children were keen to tell us about their families so if you would like to send in a photograph for them to talk about, please do so.  We will do this in small groups (during snack and chat) so all children will have the opportunity to speak.

Thank you to everyone who read with their child this week – please keep this up, little and often is the best way and re-reading helps with fluency and confidence. We read every Monday and try to do extra reading in the week so reading folders are required in school everyday.

Weekend learning challenge:

We have been working hard to help the children to write their names.  It is very empowering for them to be able to do so independently as they can write their name on their work, models, paintings etc.  We have sent home wipeable name cards – if your child cannot write their name yet then use a washable pen to help them to practice over writing on these.  If they struggle to do this then simply practice drawing lines and anti clockwise circles with a good amount of pencil pressure.  Once they can over write their name, get them to practice on paper.  And once they can do this, help them to form and size all letters correctly (please see previous blog on how to hold a pencil).


We will do PE on Tuesday – children need to arrive in school wearing their PE kits and not bring their kit to school (this is a temporary arrangement due to Covid)

All children need a named water bottle in school – we cannot have self service water in class in case they share cups.

Please send in a photo of your family if you are happy for your child to share with their friends.

Please do log onto Tapestry to check if there are any new observations on there.  This, and the blog,  is also the means by which we will communicate with you should the class or your child need to self isolate.

If you have not already seen it, please do look at the post earlier this week to see how we teach phonics.

Finally, congratulations to Emily S and Danislava for getting the Set the Standard Award this week.

Thank you for your support

The Reception Team


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