Year 2 Home Learning Tasks – Monday 13th July

Hi Year 2!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are ready to start your last week of home learning.

Here are today’s activities…


English – Reading

Look at the picture.

What do you know from this picture?

Write your responses in full sentences.

Can you use a conjunction to justify your ideas?


English – Writing

Look at the picture.

Write a description, in full sentences, of the picture.

Remember to use adjectives and adverbs in your writing.


Sounds-Write Phonics – Focus sound /ee/  spelling <ee> <ea.> 

Review – read the following common exception words: my, the, said, he, she.

Read: cheeping, sleeper, steepest, eater, wheat

Write:Keeper, sneeze, indeed, neatest, meatier 

Dictation:  The weeping, sleepy keeper sneezed as he went up the steepest peaks.


Maths – Basic Skills

Are these correct?

Can you spot and change the mistakes?















Maths – Tasks

Solve the following problems.





Warm up: Wiggle your fingers up high, down low, to the side and in front of you.
Stretch your fingers out like fireworks nine times.

Can you write the following Common Exception Words joined up at least six times? Remember to leave a finger space.

Tick your neatest formation and be proud of your handwriting.



Listen to the ‘7 Continents Song’ It was a favourite this year.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

You can draw, label or write sentences. You can present your ideas in all way.


PSHE/Online Safety

Discuss this question with a grown up in your home.


Enjoy this version of the traditional tale ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’


Remember to leave us a comment on the blog to share your learning or you can email it to us at

As teachers are back in school teaching we won’t be able to always answer comments on the blogs or reply to emails about your fantastic learning on the same day. Even though we might not respond right away please know we are seeing your work and are very proud of you so please still show us.

We look forward to seeing your work!


Miss Duncan and Miss Battams

2 thoughts on “Year 2 Home Learning Tasks – Monday 13th July

  • 13th July 2020 at 11:56 am

    What do you know from this picture?
    It is a beach and there is palm trees. Also the sea is there.

    It is like a mini Island were you can meditate and relax.

  • 13th July 2020 at 12:07 pm

    Hello Miss Duncan and Miss Battams.
    I know that in the first picture there is some trees on a tropical island with some sand and some water. I know it is a tropical island because there are palm trees.

    In this picture I can see a tropical tree with some brown coconuts. The tree trunks are thin and tall. The sea has blue waves crashing with white bubbles. There is an island with a ball that had blue and orange stripes and a surfing board with flowers decorating it. There is a big sandcastle that looks likes a palace. It has shells and sand windows. The sky is orange, red and grey because the sun it setting. There are clouds in the sky.


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