Well Done!
Here are our Year 2 learning superstars!
Isabella L – using her number facts when finding the missing numbers in her maths activity.
Zion – catching up on all his learning. We are so proud of you! Jace – his brilliant independent writing. James K – his fantastic reading, especially in his armchair. Andreea -her lovely book review that had a detailed drawing of her favourite part of the story. Kiarah – her thought out ideas in her writing, especially being thankful for ice cream. Candice – finding all of the missing numbers in her maths activity. Connor- his lovely work when completing our blog activities at school. Matthew – his wonderful ideas about what he is thankful for and some great gardening! Isla – Working hard at home with her learning pack. |
Kaya – her good inference skills during her reading activity.
Tyler – has shown a real love of learning by remembering information about our Titanic topic from earlier this year. James J – his lovely work when completing our blog activities at school. Ollie – his great concentration during our phonics lessons at school. Tony – for finishing his learning pack activities. Nihal – her lovely writing about the kindness of her friends. Imogen – her detailed reasoning when solving maths problems at school. Izabela G – great maths work on the blog. Denzel – working hard at home with his learning pack.
Oscar – using drawings to help him solve mathematical problems involving money.
Mikayla – using conjunctions in her writing when thinking about what she is thankful for. Jayden – his fantastic maths work. Andi-Louise – working hard at home with her learning pack. Callan – identifying that the maths problems involved subtraction. Harvey – checking his work back to make sure his numbers were the right way round. Sofia – good reading at home. Darnell – his brilliant number work. Elliot – great number work on the blog.
It has been wonderful to see your amazing work and to speak, to so many families on the phone. Some children have been using their home learning packs, some the blogs, some learning new skills like riding a bike or cooking and some have been working hard at school.
We are so proud of you and what you have achieved this week.
We also want to say a huge thank you and well done to the grown ups at home helping the children with their home learning.
Can’t wait to see your learning next week!
Keep it up!
Miss Duncan and Battams