Thursday 9th July 2020 Home Learning Tasks

Good morning Year 2!

We are over half way through another week now. We are still incredibly proud of how you are all doing with your home learning. Here are your learning tasks for today.

Have a terrific Thursday!



Read the text below and answer the questions.

Can you write a piece about what your favourite animal is? What is it? Why do you like it so much? What exciting and interesting facts about your animal can you share with us? You should use punctuation, finger spaces and your best handwriting. You should also use your phonics to help with your spellings.



Today there is another clue for you to solve to find the culprit in our story. Use the grid below that you started to complete yesterday when you have the answer to today’s clue.

Here is today’s clue. Good luck!




Common Exception Words

We need to practice these words to make sure we can read and spell them ready to move into year 3. Below are all the words you need to be able to read and spell. Remember, some must start with capital letters for them to be spelt correctly so be careful!


Use this link to complete an awesome drawing task!



Don’t forget to keep completing your summer reading challenge!

Here is the fourth of my favourite stories I loved at school. Enjoy!


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