Year 2 Home Learning Tasks – Wednesday 1st July

Hi Year 2!

It’s the first of July which the Summer is here!

I hope you have a lovely day.

Here are today’s activities…


English – Reading

Read the text ‘Annie and the Pirate King’ by Jenny Feely.


The pirates sailed on and on. The night grew darker and darker, and the sea became wider and wider.

Suddenly, from the depths of the sea, a giant sea monster appeared. It was covered in jewels from all of the ships it had bitten in half.

The giant sea monster reached over the side of the ship and grabbed the Pirate King in it’s mouth.

“Help! Help!” screamed the Pirate King.

Annie grabbed the feather from the bag. She ran up to the sea monster and…


If the sea monster could speak what do you think/infer it would say?

Write your responses in full sentences and use your reading from the last few days to help you.


English – Writing

Annie grabbed the feather from the bag. She ran up to the sea monster and…

What happened next?

Write your responses in full sentences using adjectives and conjunctions.

Use your imagination!


Sounds-Write Phonics – Recap of focus sound /oo/ spelling <u-e>

Review – read the following Year 2 common exception words: even, move, door, behind, child.

Read: cute, dude, rude, lute, mute

Write: chute, flute, tune, mule, duke

Dictation:  The cute duke played a tune on his flute as he rode on his mule.


Maths – Basic Skills

Find the missing number in these calculations.


Maths – Tasks

Solve the following problems.




Warm up: Wiggle your fingers up high, down low, to the side and in front of you.
Stretch your fingers out like fireworks nine times.

Can you write the following Year 2 Common Exception Words joined up at least six times? Remember to leave a finger space.

Tick your neatest formation and be proud of your handwriting.



Today’s lesson is from BBC Bitesize and it about the body and your senses.

Follow the link and complete the activities.



Enjoy this story by Dr. Seuss


Remember to leave us a comment on the blog to share your learning or you can email it to us at

As teachers are back in school teaching we won’t be able to always answer comments on the blogs or reply to emails about your fantastic learning on the same day. Even though we might not respond right away please know we are seeing your work and are very proud of you so please still show us.

We look forward to seeing your work!


Miss Duncan and Miss Battams

One thought on “Year 2 Home Learning Tasks – Wednesday 1st July

  • 1st July 2020 at 9:41 am


    If the sea monster could speak he would say hello, why are you here on my part of the sea. What do you want? So the pirate king would have to explain that he wants the jewels. He tells the sea monster, that he has made a mistake and that he wants the jewels.


    Annie grabbed the feather from the bag. She ran up to the sea monster and tickled his noise, the big sea monster did a huge sneeze. As he did the huge sneeze, he pushed back his head and the sneeze came out witch was the colour blue and all the jewels fell off the sea monster and went back into the bottom of the sea.


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