Year 4 Maths task- Monday 29th June

Good morning everyone!

I hope you have had a lovely weekend!

Today, we are going to be continuing practicing the key calculations, focusing on multiplication. Attached is a help sheet which gives a step by step guide to the two methods we have practiced in school. I have also attached a video to help you to complete the grid method in case you have forgotten or are struggling, You then have some word problems to complete- there are 2 sheet, one easy and one hard so you need to decide which to do based on how confident you feel. You don’t need to complete both.


Happy learning!

Word Problems (Hard)

Word problems (easy)

Multiplication help sheet


2 thoughts on “Year 4 Maths task- Monday 29th June

  • 29th June 2020 at 10:10 am

    1. 18 biscuits
    2. 24 sparklers
    3. 20 pencils
    4. 28 lollies
    5. 30 Cd’s
    6. 12 individual shoes
    7. 20 mins
    8. 12 stickers
    9. 12 fish fingers
    10. 24 balloons


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