Tuesday 2nd June – Year 1

Good Morning Year 1,

We hope that you had a great day yesterday learning at home.

Here are your activities for today:

  1. Sounds-Write Phonics
  2. Reading/Writing

Using your adjectives that you came up with yesterday, write a description of the rubbish dump in full sentences – remembering to write using capital letters, spaces between words and full stops.

  1. Maths

Can you fill in a 100 square by writing the numbers from 1-100 in the correct order and formations? Now practise counting forwards and backwards up and down your 100 square. Can you choose 2 numbers in your 100 square and work out the numbers between them? E.g. 50 and 56 … 51, 52, 53, 54 and 55 are between 50 and 56.



Have a brilliant day!

Miss Simons, Mrs Brookes and Mrs Roberts : )

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